[BANNED] Bobie BY [Bagheera] CAUSE [just shut up if you have nothing smart to say]

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Bobie banned [just shut up if you have nothing smart to say]

Postby bagheera » 01.18.15

Server: dswp bomb (dswp.de:22223)
Bobie banned cause just shut up if you have nothing smart to say

XLR ID: 2877
B3 ID: 4789

Ban Added: 2015-01-18 23:24:10
TempBan Expires: 2015-01-21 23:24:10

Duration: 3 days
Penalty ID: 4062
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Re: [BANNED] Bobie BY [Bagheera] CAUSE [just shut up if you

Postby zietsh » 01.19.15

Just something I always do:

If someone gets on my nerves because he's trash talking: !mute <name> <optional: time in sec.>.
If they are really there just to talk shit then they will leave. If they continue to play nice (no teamkilling, teambleeding etc.) then on the next map grant them their "right" to talk again. Or after a certain time. !mute without a set time works for 1 map. Or for any time under 1 map. As an example I mute 120s 180s 300s 600s or for one map.

Why I think that it's a better solution: You can see if someone is just here to misbehave or just became an insulting player in the heat of the game. After his "break" he has a chance to change his behaviour.
Another (in my opinion) better solution than banning is using warnings (!w <player> lang) or !k <player> <reason>. As for me banning is really a kind of measure reserved for the worst people up to permanent bans for re-offenders when it comes to cheating. So to put someone in the same place for insulting as someone that is teamkilling/teambleeding is a bit harsh. Of course if he was muted or kicked several times already for his behaviour a ban is ok. But when I look at this player he has only one prior warning...

Btw. spam is also punished by B3 so no need to intervene in that case.
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