What will be up in 4.2?

all about Server Settings and important changes

Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby JRandomNoob » 01.25.14

.018 released. This is mostly a boring bugfix release, however there’s a nifty new feature: g_gear now recognizes the same letters as the client-side gear cvar. No more forcing to spec with B3, smokes and HK69 can be disabled separately.
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby Zottel » 01.25.14

No more forcing to spec with B3, smokes and HK69 can be disabled separately.

good to know that!! :D :D

and it is a nice idea!!!!
but still no autocheck for update's (for all) :( =>but no matter
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby wurst » 01.27.14

018 updated.
btw the updater still throws crc errors on every file while updating, that means i cant automate that 1...
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby Zottel » 01.27.14

the server are on 4.2.018 and some B3-plugins are updated!! :D :D
on TDM (22227) I have the plugin 'Weaponcontrol' turned off and removed in the server.cfg smokenades and HK69
i would like to write a commando to allow or not allow smokenades and hk69!! :lol:
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby Crusher » 03.16.14

UrT HD Casa

https://twitter.com/Barbatos__/status/4 ... 5666277376

Looks like i need to play the game with sunglasses...
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby JRandomNoob » 03.16.14

“Haha you looked in the general direction of the sun, fuck your eyes >:-DDD”

Sure hope it’s just showing off rather than the final holy and immutable look…

#urbanterror on QuakeNet wrote:Mar 16 22:31:56 <Nitro> Barbatos|off would be nice, the community has been waiting years for HD and the community has been in the dark for ages about whats happening. some of us are getting fed up waiting and moving on :s
Mar 16 22:32:19 <Barbatos|off> I know
Mar 16 22:32:34 <Barbatos|off> that's why we decided to show everything we do, starting from now
Mar 16 22:32:50 <Barbatos|off> you'll have lots of information and screenshots from the developers in the upcoming months
Most interesting.
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby zietsh » 03.18.14

As long as everybody's got the sun-flare its fair isn't it?

I actually enjoy it when the "world" gives you a hard time spotting opponent, as long as it's the same for everyone.
But stuff like that really looses it's fun when you can just turn the opposing team to be pink and therefore being quite visible on any map.
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby wurst » 03.18.14

is just bullshit when them clients bring their own textures...
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby JRandomNoob » 03.20.14

Welcome to the dark side: UrT HD uses Unreal Engine 4.
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby RunTMC » 03.20.14

RIP Urban Terror! :shock: :( :cry:
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