A request to All URT Server Admins from Bangladeshi Players

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A request to All URT Server Admins from Bangladeshi Players

Postby JRandomNoob » 04.27.13

One LordAmit posted on urtinfo:

We love URT and we like playing with players around the world. Unfortunately, due to some government restriction related to VOIP, one of our major connection provider at Bangladesh has blocked ports ranging from 22000 to 32000.

The default port URT runs at is 27960. Many of us cannot even connect to game server for this reason. There are two remedies, one is to run the game server at a smaller number port (like we run our UrTBD server at 2222), but this option might not be good enough. The other is port forwarding, which means you can still run your server at whatever port you want, and we will be able to connect to your URT server through 2222.

Server admins are requested to check this bash script and then run it on their Linux server to enable port forwarding.

Code: Select all
sudo iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p udp --dport $newport -j REDIRECT --to-ports $forwardport

If you decide to do so, please reply under this post with your Server IP so that we get to know that we will be able to access your server through 2222.

Thanks goes to Zed of UrTBD clan for preparing the bash script :D
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Re: A request to All URT Server Admins from Bangladeshi Play

Postby wurst » 04.28.13

XML for Pfsense2

Code: Select all
// NAT
         <descr><![CDATA[2222 - 22222 for bangladeshi anti-sip]]></descr>
// Firewall
         <descr><![CDATA[NAT 2222 - 22222 for bangladeshi anti-sip]]></descr>

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Re: A request to All URT Server Admins from Bangladeshi Play

Postby lordamit » 04.28.13

Hi guys

I have played in your server before, and I met some excellent players there.

You have once again showed your awesomeness by this topic, and by forwarding the port.

Thank you, everyone of DSWP, thank you :)
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