This is the place for pirat-bash / spam bot /automation tests
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Teh Master Of Anarchy Commands U:
by Zottel » 03.12.13
- Attachments
- Godlike
- Posts: 578
- Joined: 12.11.10
- -----tdm:
- nick: Zottel
- skill: 1258.79
- kills: 52930
- deaths: 34591
- ratio: 1.53
- -----bomb:
- nick: Zottel
- skill: 965.891
- kills: 4021
- deaths: 3001
- ratio: 1.33
by Pirat » 03.13.13
It must have been a very emotional match. Ahem. :-}
- Godlike
- Posts: 1447
- Joined: 03.29.10
- -----tdm:
- nick: Pirat
- skill: 507.365
- kills: 402
- deaths: 636
- ratio: 0.63
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