[BANNED] Luckypops BY [Thrill.Kill.Cult] CAUSE [no]

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Luckypops banned [no]

Postby HumppaLakki » 11.26.12

Luckypops banned cause no

XLR ID: No Stats collected yet.
B3 ID: 401237

Ban Added: 2012-11-26 17:19:15
TempBan Expires: 2012-11-29 17:19:15

Duration: 3 days
Penalty ID: 1771978
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Re: [BANNED] Luckypops BY [Thrill.Kill.Cult] CAUSE [no]

Postby JRandomNoob » 11.26.12

http://www.dswp.de/echelon/clients.php? ...

Returning and TKing again.

EDIT: now coming from http://www.dswp.de/echelon/clients.php? ... 30.229.164

EDIT 2: There was another one from http://www.dswp.de/echelon/clients.php? ... .73.18.133 ; however, this one moved differently and I’m pretty sure he was a different person. Chances are, we were flashmobbed by some griefer clan or somesuch.

After it became clear they can’t be banned, me and Humppa simply kept kicking them; I had Echelon pages with IP searches open, and whenever a refresh showed a new name in the list, I’d switch back to UrT and kick the motherlover, occasionally before he had time to load the map:-P
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Re: [BANNED] Luckypops BY [Thrill.Kill.Cult] CAUSE [no]

Postby JRandomNoob » 11.29.12

The third one (HeyArnold) was just banned by Humppa for bot, now coming from the same IP LuckyPops was.
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Re: [BANNED] Luckypops BY [Thrill.Kill.Cult] CAUSE [no]

Postby eXtr33m » 11.29.12

You guys are like Internet Police.
Anyway good job! :)
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Re: [BANNED] Luckypops BY [Thrill.Kill.Cult] CAUSE [no]

Postby zietsh » 11.30.12

eXtr33m wrote:You guys are like Internet Police.
Anyway good job! :)

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)
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