600th TOPIC!!!

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600th TOPIC!!!

Postby Unclefragger » 05.23.09

hey it's 6am, I'm sitting in Slovenia and I'm bored :mrgreen:
so I will examine my situation ... I forgot to bring a mouse and was now playing with a touchpad (and even had 2:1 ratio, which mostly goes on account of the fairly new players (which learned pretty fast that healing up is a smart thing) -- banned two cheaters as well), I'm sharing a room with my brother who is still sleeping and snoring so loud that most likely the people in the rooms nearby can't sleep as well. Oh and I'm having a better ping here in a small hotel somewhere in the woods of Slovenia (forgot the town's name) then with my 16000 t-online connection back home (only slightly better but well it *is*).
I hope they have good coffee here, I'll check that now (hoping those guys get up early) and then most likely check back to make a report. (Assuming that the other wedding attendees are still having a nice sleep, which is quite likely after all the booze we drank yesterday)

So I got some dark liquid which could barely be called "coffee", it actually was dark water with some leaf like stuff floating in it, maybe I'm a little spoiled when it comes to coffee, but what they serve here really sux! Yet the foot is great :D
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Re: 600th TOPIC!!!

Postby AimMe » 05.23.09

Wow, i didn't know there is place for hotel in Slovenia. :lol:
Just kidding, i don't mean to offend somebody if there is some Slovenian here. But try to find slovenia on world map.
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Re: 600th TOPIC!!!

Postby wurst » 05.23.09

telekom dont offer u interleaving deactivation on dsl 16000, cause "its bot needed anylonger" wih such a fast line...
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Re: 600th TOPIC!!!

Postby Unclefragger » 05.23.09

yes but I do not believe that a hotel will pay extra fees for better gaming experience ;)
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Re: 600th TOPIC!!!

Postby wurst » 05.23.09

no its standard setting in most locations exept germany hmhm.
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Re: 600th TOPIC!!!

Postby SanHolo » 05.26.09

Ping and lag-freeness is definitively better back at home in beautiful Switzerland for me. xD

Enjoy your trip!
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Re: 600th TOPIC!!!

Postby wurst » 05.27.09

its cause...

...they smoke too much!
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Re: 600th TOPIC!!!

Postby SanHolo » 05.28.09

Most likely, yes xD
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Re: 600th TOPIC!!!

Postby wurst » 05.29.09

wlan is a token ring topology, i think theres too many pplz in the net btw.
try to access the AP and change the wirelesskey!
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