Look a Bunny :P

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Re: Look a Bunny :P

Postby Kitekater » 09.28.12

RunTMC wrote:Riiichtig! (Paul Panzer) :D

Sorry Cookie,

Balls dropping only for germans. :P
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Re: Look a Bunny :P

Postby eXtr33m » 09.28.12

Kitekater wrote:Jetzt müsen wir aber auch bei Deutsch bleiben, sonst haben wir ja keine Geheimnisse mehr :evil:

Natürlich sollten Sie, weil ich nicht verstehe. Wirklich. :D
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Re: Look a Bunny :P

Postby havoc » 09.28.12

if we correctly assume everyone trying to corner the Bunny, german speakers have unfair advantage.
i must protest against that.

AimMe: shut up, kid. i dont care about your imitation of intelligence and your e-peenery.
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Re: Look a Bunny :P

Postby zietsh » 09.29.12

havoc wrote:if we correctly assume everyone trying to corner the Bunny, german speakers have unfair advantage.
i must protest against that.

The wise man is silent and lets everybody fight to come at the end and take the prey when all other predators have fought until they are weak. :?
Or go with the honey-badgerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg way, just walk the way of life and be the shit/the most bad ass motherfucker out there... just don't care if someones got an advantage, bite 'em and eat 'em.
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Re: Look a Bunny :P

Postby AimMe » 09.29.12

havoc wrote:AimMe: shut up, kid. i dont care about your imitation of intelligence and your e-peenery.

Pff saying kid to somebody who's only 20 years younger than you....
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Re: Look a Bunny :P

Postby natirips » 09.29.12

zietsh wrote:the honey-badgerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg way
In my next incarnation I will be a honey-badger.
ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«
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Re: Look a Bunny :P

Postby Pirat » 09.29.12

Souljah wrote:Hai Sina :D freut mich das Du doch noch den Weg zu uns gefunden hast :lol:

Jetzt mußt Du nur noch den Weg ins Mumble finden^^

Also auch hier nochmal ein freundliches "Welcome"

Dem möchte ich mich anschließen.

Hallo, Mümmel-Hopse-Mieze! 8-)

Souljah wrote:greeeetz Souli aka PonySlaystation ,aka many other Names :o

Ahaaaa! Pferdeverachtende Namen, was sagt uns
das über Dein Geschlecht?! %-)

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Re: Look a Bunny :P

Postby Pirat » 09.29.12

wurst wrote:[...]
In FPS sind schätzungsweise 10% der Spieler weiblich.
Es ist immer schön, mindestens eine dabei zu haben, der Umgang miteinander wird ziviler.
Bei den DSWPs sind das Ana, Tiru, Dementhia und Rapunzel.

Don't forget moon. :-)
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Re: Look a Bunny :P

Postby wurst » 09.30.12

ye, how could i forget struja.
and how could u forget victoria.
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Re: Look a Bunny :P

Postby Pirat » 10.01.12

wurst wrote:ye, how could i forget struja.
and how could u forget victoria.

Aiiiiiiih! Sorry, Vickyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :-}
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