Hi all, thanks for reading.
Well, about 2 weeks ago I was playing in Wurst, without any problems, with the nickname Alpha. The administrator was "ihateyouall". I was killing quite a lot of enemies, hided behind a little wall, when the admin accused me of "camping". I replied it was "holding the position", so he started slapping me. I started to be quite upset, especially 'cause his teammates were able to hide behind those walls n kill without any claim or slap. So I noticed this thing, n he has kicked me out once (1st time). I came back, just notifing it was not a right behave for an admin, and he kicked me again (2nd time). Back in, asked explanations: kicked (3rd time)
So I went in without saying a word, but when he started to kick players because of their nicknames were not good for him, I told him he was behaving like a god. He kicked me again (4th time). Back in, definetly upset, I told him he was behaving like a crying child more than an administrator: kicked out (5th time).
It's two week, from that day, that I cannot play in Wurst: the map loading freezes on the light blue screenshot or once reached the end of the loading bar.
I pray u to help me, please. I don't feel I've been noisy with him, just wanted some explanations, receiving kicks back!!!
PLEASE HELP ME!!! I'd like to play again in Wurst...