Urban Zone and CMM map of the month

like jump? feel bored with algiers?
just know a nice map and nobody wanna listen?
post it here!

Urban Zone and CMM map of the month

Postby neep » 09.13.12

Hello, I play usually as neep! but I also make maps under the name of JohnnyEnglish (I made the skeet 2011 and 2012 maps). I also help run the Custom Map Makers forum with Rylius.

We've got together with Urban Zone to promote mapping and 3rd party maps with a monthy featured map event that will be televised on Urban Zone twitchtv channel.

If any of you guys would like to drop by and try out our monthly special maps read this


Everyone welcome, bring a smile, you might appear on the broadcast.
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Re: Urban Zone and CMM map of the month

Postby wurst » 09.18.12

nice, here pirat and zottel that started a map (and funstuff) collection.
maybe u can help each others in that business.
i just know its very hard to make maps somehow and that we couldnt play without maps somehow :o
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Re: Urban Zone and CMM map of the month

Postby neep » 09.20.12

wurst wrote:i just know its very hard to make maps somehow and that we couldnt play without maps somehow :o

It's really easy to make maps, it's really hard to get people to play maps other than abbey/casa/turnpike or try new stuff.

You're all welcome to drop by for the event, this months map has been chosen, the author is creating a new version of the map for us to test.
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Re: Urban Zone and CMM map of the month

Postby wurst » 09.20.12

ah, u wont believe how it was in all quake3 (and urban terror) before ioquake came.
custom maps had to be copied manually by the clients.
there was almost no custom maps played, just in lan and private servers.
cause it was simply not possible to make them jerks to open program dir before map change.

building lib curl into q3 was a masterpiece of problem solving.
- its using a different server (realtime application servers suffer from latency issues as u might know)
- its using http (which brigs the cheapest and best available options for network mass storage)

making them play a map means making them know it, theres less ingame success in strange terrain.
thats indeed difficult when u dont play it.
a vicious circle is something different but this comes pretty close.

another problem is that crashed maps might affect alot clients that cant help themselfes afterwards.
dont ask me for security issues, specially on windows home boxes where the app has godlike rights.
there was some effects in q3 (some < v1.17) where the server could have r/w access to the clients file system.
now we have it kinda built in...

i was suffering for a decade from that map download issue.
we even tried to write a map download app which (sure) noobs wouldnt be able to use.
nowadays theres sites like urs occouring, we would have loved to have that option.
we played dm17, then 17 again, 17, maybe dm5 and then dm17 again.
ioquake btw continues, we have things like a mumble client stuffed into the players computer via q3.
frozen sand dont pickup these advantages, dont ask me why.
i wanna say "boo" when i slice a camper!

others brought the maps to the clients, ur idea is now to make them known.
the game continues, thx for taking care.

1 idea about map popularity.
im working atm in my free time on a masterlist spider.
the thing runs, querying ALL urt servers once a minute.
we have # of (human) players, the map name.
thats a snapshot of map popularity, at least i can query and cummulate it like that.
if u want, u can have this data (realtime) in order to display it with the maps.
sure u can have the parsers, they are built in php...
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Re: Urban Zone and CMM map of the month

Postby neep » 09.20.12

I've seen your master list spider php and it worked great when I tried it, very fast btw.

I tell you who would love this...

http://www.urbanterror.info/forums/topi ... ntry334600

Urban Jumpers could use it to check for jump servers.
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Re: Urban Zone and CMM map of the month

Postby wurst » 09.20.12

we would have to filter jump, dunno how...
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Re: Urban Zone and CMM map of the month

Postby zietsh » 09.20.12

wurst wrote:we would have to filter jump, dunno how...

a manual list(made by trusted volunteers) and everything including "jump" in its name, should cover the majority.. not enough?
Or did I not understand it?

Mby, a form where users can enter what kind of map and judge it... and when for example 5players enter something and they got a 80% match its judged as jump?
Eventually it would be working 95% of the time and once a new jump map is made its registered and only 1-2 admins have to look at it :)
But it will only work about 1month after the list is running I assume...
and a question:
Can you read the server settings (i mean spawn protection etc. like this the servers could also be ranked for jumpers cause a ctf server with spawn protection 5seconds and game-time for a map being 5min is probably not a jump-server )...

Just writing down spontaneous ideas :)
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Re: Urban Zone and CMM map of the month

Postby wurst » 09.22.12

hm, i thought about filters like
-map name (or specified map history)
-server name
-all players have zero kills

btw, atm the machine is only polling the things it finds in masterlist.
sure phpbb integrated comments or server add button should be possible.
however, if i understood it right: that was ur job :)
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Re: Urban Zone and CMM map of the month

Postby neep » 09.28.12

Ah, well anyway.

This event is tonight on the CMM server (/connect www.custommapmakers.org) @ 8pm CEST (7pm UK time for me).

This is the first time we've tried anything like this so I have no idea how it will work. Anyone is welcome to drop by, you'll appear on Urban Zone TV and you'll be able to watch on


If you want to know more drop by Urban Zone irc channel, or CMM irc channel (freenode #cmm)

Cheers John
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Re: Urban Zone and CMM map of the month

Postby eXtr33m » 09.28.12

Will try to come! Fresh maps sounds like something i really like :))
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