mapcycle vote machine yeah!

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Re: mapcycle vote machine yeah!

Postby BEH » 03.31.11

ye i know but look at the date it announces for the next voting round.
I copy/pasted that Today.
and there havnt been new mapcycle posts for weeks..
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Re: mapcycle vote machine yeah!

Postby bky » 04.01.11

ah, ye - saw this too - there seems to be a problem with the ftp server where the mapcycles are uploaded to.
there's a postit on my desk since a week or so - "call wursti!!!" this yellow things should blink or something :mrgreen:
i'll be out till saturday, so i'll try it then
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Re: mapcycle vote machine yeah!

Postby BEH » 04.02.11

hehe blinky post-its.. u should create some and maybe get rich? :)
But ye, cool, guess we'll hear when something happens.
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Re: mapcycle vote machine yeah!

Postby bky » 04.03.11

it was the ftp server ;)
think we'll fix it the next days - and maybe i'll find the time to modify the mapscript - somehow in the way not starting a cycle with a custom map
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Re: mapcycle vote machine yeah!

Postby erre » 08.09.12

Maybe this is the wrong place to post about this (you can move or delete the post) but...
holy gosh, what's wrong with the mapcycle of your jump server? -_-'
The only maps I can see there are harbortown, dust2, and turnpike....
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Re: mapcycle vote machine yeah!

Postby natirips » 08.09.12

erre, you can vote for another map if you see a non-jump map being played on jump serwer.

I think it loads a map from mapcycle the same as all other serwers when the serwers are restarted, but jump serwer doesn't change maps over time on it's own like other serwers do (I think).

Think of it as a self-service*. :D *Or democracy if you're not alone.
ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«
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Re: mapcycle vote machine yeah!

Postby wurst » 08.09.12

ah were just on our way to fix that issue.
all game servers run from one ./q3ut4 directory, including maps.
from next week on we have separated directories, new machine is here at home and ready to go to post office.

plus xp will be squeeze, a good day for mankind, removing the LAST windows box from datacenter.
i came originally from the windows side
cleaned my soul, now the last dirt spot on the jacket will be done, finito.
just customers will stay with windows, the like so, me eiter.
cause its always something to fix, u can never say what the precise cause is.
easy money, low responsibility, less knowledge, great inventon to be honest.

btw q3 runs the same crappy on all os :)
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Re: mapcycle vote machine yeah!

Postby JRandomNoob » 08.13.12

#dswp wrote:Aug 13 18:34:54 <JRandomLemming> BTW: [18:04] <RaideR> !msg I see some people have not restarted there servers to apply the DNS change for the Master Servers. I am about to shutdown the old ones, please do this ASAP!
Aug 13 18:35:12 <JRandomLemming> is dswp safe?
Aug 13 19:01:04 <Samtron> JRandomLemming: i don't know, better ask wursti or Unclefragger for this
Aug 13 19:02:12 <JRandomLemming> has the hardware already been changed? this should('ve) take(n) care of this

#urbanterror wrote:Aug 13 18:05:58 <Danny6167> RaideR, Can you tell us the IP address for the old and new master servers so we can double check there isn't a DNS cache messing us around?
Aug 13 18:06:34 <RaideR> = master
Aug 13 18:06:40 <RaideR> = master2
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