Oh my god, it's an Uncle, a fragging one 8o

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Re: Oh my god, it's an Uncle, a fragging one 8o

Postby zietsh » 07.05.12

wursti is right clearing meta data before posting stuff is a nice privacy feature which every one should use :P ...

just copy paste in paint and save ;)
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Re: Oh my god, it's an Uncle, a fragging one 8o

Postby natirips » 07.05.12

zietsh wrote:wursti is right clearing meta data before posting stuff is a nice privacy feature which every one should use :P ...

just copy paste in paint and save ;)
I usually just decrease the image size to have 500 pixels width (to prevent breaking forum tables this much).
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Re: Oh my god, it's an Uncle, a fragging one 8o

Postby Unclefragger » 07.09.12

What is paint? 8o imagemagick should do the trick
I just happened to be too lazy to resize it in the first place, can't be asked to strip exif info :P
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Re: Oh my god, it's an Uncle, a fragging one 8o

Postby wurst » 07.11.12

i just wanted to give a proper statement on wasting teh tables in my homepage.
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Re: Oh my god, it's an Uncle, a fragging one 8o

Postby Pirat » 07.11.12

Unclefragger wrote:What is paint? 8o imagemagick should do the trick
I just happened to be too lazy to resize it in the first place, can't be asked to strip exif info :P

mogrify -strip <file(s)>

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