[BANNED] {bmca}SuicideSilence BY [ubercunt] CAUSE [nitwit]

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{bmca}SuicideSilence banned [nitwit]

Postby dmmh » 04.01.12

{bmca}SuicideSilence banned cause nitwit

XLR ID: 308307
B3 ID: 354164

Ban Added: 2012-04-01 22:49:09
TempBan Expires: 2012-04-04 22:49:09

Duration: 3 days
Penalty ID: 1607295
the meaning of the word cunt....loool

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Re: [BANNED] {bmca}SuicideSilence BY [ubercunt] CAUSE [nitwit]

Postby dmmh » 04.01.12

demanded players changed their name, when I asked why he cared and since when he became admin replied "since there is free speech", then started calling names. First I muted, then he told me to stfu and called me a faggot.

wrong idea moron! -> ban

freedom of speech doesn't mean you can dictate other user's names ingame, certainly noy when you are not a mod or admin of the server noob!
it means you can say you think it's a funny, odd, strange bad, or gay name name, not that you can demand that somebody changes it! :)
the meaning of the word cunt....loool

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Posts: 1134
Joined: 01.19.09

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