mumble 1.2.3a !

Description lol

mumble 1.2.3a !

Postby zietsh » 01.15.12

I just encountered this problem, luckily I found this right before I was about to quit my search for an answer.^^
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Re: mumble 1.2.3a !

Postby natirips » 01.15.12

wtf lol?

Although I don't use Windows myself, I am very curious about that "more detailed explanation later" part.
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Re: mumble 1.2.3a !

Postby Unclefragger » 01.16.12

as long as it is still compatible with our server *g*
the viewer thingy is holding the server upgrade back =/
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Re: mumble 1.2.3a !

Postby zietsh » 01.16.12

I did not read through the whole thing but is it this?
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Re: mumble 1.2.3a !

Postby Samtron » 01.17.12

Unclefragger wrote:as long as it is still compatible with our server *g*
Yes, I installed the new version on Sunday and it worked well :)
It was a bit laggy for me ingame, but besides the Mumble audio rate the reason can also be my wifi or the connection that evening...
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