Unjust permaban

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Re: Unjust permaban

Postby wurst » 07.04.11

He Roscoe, I wrote you and Humppa a PM, i didnt get any reply but new public flames here.

However, if u noticed, u were unbanned.
I asked you two for calm down, humppa was so nice.

Sure u might think now: ou its Wurst, chef speaking.
In fact all Admins have the same weight and rights here.
All decisions are formed by polls, its what them white coats call grassroots/base democracy.
Humppa will maybe throw u out again, he has my vote now.

And please, u can try to change IP/ID. It will lead the packet filter to include a new subnet according to ripe.
What it will be, u can see here: http://www.dswp.de/IPRangeConvert.php?ip=
~30-40 Programmers and else so called nerdish haxors waiting for u.
We have >10Gbit symetric linkup, theres no way to lame here.

See that were owning subnets and linukups. We dont rent a gameserver, we have ISP status.
Mine request @ abuse will be read, mine lawyer will get ur real life name for the case. Im willing to pay for such.
Dont lock out the half szeget.
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