[CHEAT] Xavizo [banned]

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[CHEAT] Xavizo [banned]

Postby Pirat » 05.08.11

Code: Select all
---------- Player information ------------
Time:   2011-05-08 06:05AM CST
Player: Xavizo
IP/Sub: 188.47.116.* (
GUID:   7561AB83837BC72D24324581022F041D
DB ID:  @312365 is not in any groups

This player's statistics page

Probably uses aimbot, see attached demo. The demo is short, but
re-playing it in slow motion shows he has a relatively steady aim,
including moments when he relatively quickly switches his aim between
two enemies back and forth, which happened at least twice.

Maybe someone could take a look at it.

Not banned, because he left before, and I wasn't 100 per cent sure

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Re: [CHEAT] Xavizo [banned]

Postby Samtron » 05.16.11

Thanks - he is banned: post28413.html. :)
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