Why did you ban me RastaSkud?

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Re: Why did you ban me RastaSkud?

Postby BEH » 05.07.11

Rayne wrote:Prior to this game i played on z best of z best CTF server

.. Might I ask which one that would be? So I can play there some time and see if I can still play ctf. :)
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Re: Why did you ban me RastaSkud?

Postby Rayne » 05.07.11

Not the one on the western coast (z west of z best), ping is 200+ there.
The original one, or WC's Sidney CTF if you want to play with very high ping against some pretty good players.
australian WAR and RS clans play there often.
FID CTF server can be quite challenging and SG clans CTF is a great practice, especially cause it's 5vs5 with old school players.

Bring the Rayne.
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