introduction topic??

Description lol

Re: introduction topic??

Postby Unclefragger » 02.19.09

I think he wants to know why Jaegermeister isn't satisfied with the alpha servers anymore.
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Re: introduction topic??

Postby ScaRRyMaN » 02.19.09

Real name: Simon
Nickname: ScaRRyMaN
Your age: 25
Country you live in: Poland
Hobbys/Interests: volleyball, pc, movie
Pets: one stupid dog

Fav. Game(s): UrT, Diablo, Kings Bounty and many many old games like a lemmings, civilization, dune etc.
Fav. music band(s): I think Led Zeppelin, SOAD and some other rock bands
Fav. movie(s): Pulp Fiction
Fav. anime movie(s)/cartoon(s): Don't have
Fav. TV channel(s): comedy central
Life dream: hits in UrT :)
What you like: good movie, good music and driving my car
What you don´t like: going out with my dog in winter
ur fav weapons: Sr8, Lr300, mp5k
ur ut history, how long are you playing it etc. I started beta 2.0 a couple years ago. I played in those clans like: CyK, SG, dttk, GPG, eGc, dT, poland national team. Actually i play in NwA (TS clan) and ]2s[ (CTF clan)
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Re: introduction topic??

Postby SteveMcqueen » 02.19.09

hitz!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: introduction topic??

Postby Helge » 02.19.09

Real name:Magnus
Your age:34
Country you live in:Sweden
Hobbys/Interests:Hunting, fishing and computers
Pets:Dog 9 months old cross between Karelian Bear Dog and jamthund

Fav. Game(s):UrT, NFS all versions
Fav. music band(s):Celine Dion, Leona Lewis, Kate Perry
Fav. movie(s):Dumb and Dumber, Liar Liar.. all Jim Carreys movies rocks!
Fav. anime movie(s)/cartoon(s):Hälge
Fav. TV channel(s):Discovery
Life dream:a long and healthy life for me and my familly
What you like:honest people
What you don´t like:the opposite from above

ur fav weapons: SR8, ump but usually its to crowded to use em :(
ur ut history, how long are you playing it etc. I think it was 2.3? in 2001 or something.
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Re: introduction topic??

Postby Ana » 02.24.09

Unclefragger wrote:I think he wants to know why Jaegermeister isn't satisfied with the alpha servers anymore.

omg u r his mate soul! :)

Real name: Ana
Nickname: Ana
Your age: 28 (in 2009.)
Country you live in: Germany but Wurst made me move... im from Serbia btw.
Hobbys/Interests electrical: my interest is that all these electrical cables disappear out of my sight.
Hobbys/Interests conventional: honey, i usually dont switch off my computer before i go to bed.
Pets: probably 2 cats, im still not sure...
Fav. Game(s): any kind of bubbles, unconventional tetris, q3 (somehow was for last 5 years)
Fav. music band(s): Rapture, Moloko, Roisin Murphy

Fav. anime movie(s)/cartoon(s): "Your age: 28" and i dont like animated porns...
Fav. TV channel(s): please dont start discussion about TV.
Life dream: i dont dream i live.
What you like: ...
What you don´t like: fucking PRO without money but with small dicky!

ur fav weapons: rail and BFG in q3, SR8, G36
ur ut history: i have no history in ut!

sorry if i didnt put so much effort in it to answer this profileForm but i did it so often in the past so its kinda saaaaka but still very nice to read about others. so i did take part in it. and if u r really interested in some more about AnaLn00b take a look here:

Life is about the people you meet.
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Re: introduction topic??

Postby wurst » 02.24.09

cao ana. 10x, cmoki!
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Re: introduction topic??

Postby AimMe » 03.06.09

Why am i far youngest player???

BTW I'm back, my MBO died... :(
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Re: introduction topic??

Postby wurst » 03.06.09

hey pal, mine too :)
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Re: introduction topic??

Postby bky » 03.14.09

Hi there :P

Real name: Michi
Nickname: Bender B. Rodriguez or >BlinkY<
Your age: 24 in may
Country you live in: Germany
Hobbys/Interests: walking arround in nature, pc, all this electrical shit you can't see (my studies), music, be in existence
Pets: some fishies and plants

Fav. Game(s): urt - my only one :)
Fav. music band(s): a bit of everything..mostly rock, punk, ska, metal and every combination of those..atm i love to listen blink :D
Fav. movie(s): hm..don't know..lucky number slevin, a scanner darkly & sweeny todd were the last ones i would re-watch :>
Fav. anime movie(s)/cartoon(s): should be futurama, simpsons, scrubs
Fav. TV channel(s): don't have a tv - just a dvbt-stick for watching simpsons
Life dream: dreams don't come true..they just change with time
What you like: sunshine, long walks, water, green things :mrgreen:, some humans, honesty, spain, morning break with friends
What you don´t like: missing someone special i don't see anymore, thursdays

fav weapons: gimme a rail or the big fucking gun and i'll be fine ]|[ in urt: m4, ak
ut history: my q3 cd in 1999/2000..a little later cpma & ra3 won my heart...urt just was a nice mod..also cs wasn't that crappy shit like nowdays. then i mostly stopped fragging arround..just a round css with Fry sometimes.
a year ago, when i was exploring another linux dist on my desktop pc, i discovered warsow in it and asked myself, if there were still cpma or urt servers.
so i found wurstis server...the only one for me ;)

greets Bender
---- mbo won't still working on my a7n8x-e with a xp2800+ :mrgreen:

wursti, could you pls rename me to "BlinkY" in here?
sometimes i wonder, if i'm welcome on your server :?:
..but i'm proud of not being kicked by an admin up to the present 8-)
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Re: introduction topic??

Postby SteveMcqueen » 03.14.09

willkommen biste, ich verfolge nur schadensprävention durch abschreckung.


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