AssaultCube - another free AND open source fps game

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Re: AssaultCube - another free AND open source fps game

Postby MilanFIN » 12.23.10

I have tried to play assault cube many times but it is bit boring to play.
I'm pretty sure I would be playing sauerbraten really much, if it wouldn't crash always i try to start connect to server. :(
I played sauerbraten on my old laptop and liked it even whit 5 fps it was good game.
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Re: AssaultCube - another free AND open source fps game

Postby wurst » 12.29.10

ah very wise, u guys look already for a new game.

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Re: AssaultCube - another free AND open source fps game

Postby Unclefragger » 12.29.10

but dun worry, I guess you guys still have a year or so left before the actual release ^_^
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Re: AssaultCube - another free AND open source fps game

Postby Witch » 12.29.10

Now after HD is realised, i think none gonna play this game. :P
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