Eudeman, the lowlife scum

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Eudeman, the lowlife scum

Postby JRandomNoob » 12.28.10

This guy

He's one of those weird creatures who are actually able to play normally, but occasionally go batshit insane and start griefing everyone in vicinity. And then play normally again. Eudeman is nastier than usual, as he's quite persevering and coming back again and again and again... Yesterday he had half a dozen sessions and after the initial fit (remembered to take his medicine?) played normally. Now he started knifing people as soon as he connected; things like this really destroy your playing mood.

(As I write this, he seems to have been stopped TKing, so I'm going in again. Hopefully I get in the opposing team...)
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Re: Eudeman, the lowlife scum

Postby eXtr33m » 12.28.10

Heh well i met guy on uptown who was kicking people out of roofs so they get selfkilled and he had only 15 TK points and so he could bitch for long time..
Ye i raged for while, but with no mod online there is nothing to do just \disconnect
(Hate those \...)
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