Hannibal weird, sb take a look pls

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Hannibal weird, sb take a look pls

Postby IceColdKIlla » 12.17.10

There is sth awkward about this one.
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Re: Hannibal weird, sb take a look pls

Postby Raziel » 12.17.10

have watched all three demos and couldn't find anything suspicous
no aimbot neither wallhack or what do you mean with weird, could you specify some moments? IMO just a normal user (even a beginner without much experience though)
Last edited by Raziel on 12.17.10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hannibal weird, sb take a look pls

Postby JRandomNoob » 12.17.10

In my humble opinion, there's nothing wrong with him. Beginner, can't move, therefore camps a lot; his score on Abbey is obviously due to the long enfilades there. He's more accurate than me, as his mouse is much slower (seen when he turns around at spawn). On next two, less camper-friendly maps his accuracy goes to hell, as expected.

Really, these are three full rounds; any oddity should manifest several times, but it doesn't. I just can't believe that he's able to hide his hacks near perfectly while acting like a total noob otherwise.
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Re: Hannibal weird, sb take a look pls

Postby IceColdKIlla » 12.17.10

By weird i mean the disproportion beatween his movemant skills wchich are none, and deadly accuracy on the other hand - i mean he distributes headshots over the shoulders of his teammates.
I myself couldn't find anything that would be 100% proof of some hacking though, hence my post.
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Re: Hannibal weird, sb take a look pls

Postby JRandomNoob » 12.17.10

I did notice that he made several headshots over the course of the demo (that is, Abbey; have to re-watch Prague and Uptown), but didn't realize how many! I run the demo at timescale 9 and dumped console every now and then (/dumpconsole <filename>; you have to do it three or four times over twelve minutes as the scrollback is too short to cover all of this). I separated all the lines where Hannibal hit someone and counted the areas.

  • 8 headshots + 3 hits in the helmet
  • 12 hits in the legs (two of these team mate's)
  • 16 hits in the arms
  • 10 hits in the torso + 79 hits in the kevlar

This is indeed uncanny (and shows how much I have to learn, and how difficult catching smart cheaters can be). I won't necessarily say that's a very good aimbot here, but now that I know what to search for, it really does look “weird”.

As a side note, when I played Quake III demo year or two ago (bots only), on of my favorite things was to stand back and railgun the enemies intermingled with my team mates. I got quite good at it, teamkilling only few times for each several dozens of enemies:-)
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Re: Hannibal weird, sb take a look pls

Postby BEH » 12.20.10

So why is that an aimbot?
..And man, you go through a lot of trouble!
Btw: u recognize an aimbot immediately by it's 'snap' to the target - which used to be a snap to the head - but nowadays usually is a snap to the torso.
Put timescale to 0.5 or 0.4 or something and u can always see a snap, even the with the ones that are turned real low, so they react slowly..
No snap, no aimbot.
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Re: Hannibal weird, sb take a look pls

Postby JRandomNoob » 12.21.10

Heh. Text editing is a lot of trouble?-)

Seriously, I find spotting cheaters fascinating and want to learn. That is, to be actually able to do so, as I've only found few very obvious ones this far. You see how I'm jumping between “honest—cheater—honest” here — I don't really know all (or even most) of the signs to watch for. Hannibal indeed has no snap, his crosshair is floating quite naturally — overcompensating for the movement and then moving back towards the target. Sooo…
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Re: Hannibal weird, sb take a look pls

Postby IceColdKIlla » 12.21.10

Hi, i reviewed the demos once again.
What i see is a completely newb with something that looks like key binded aim+autoshoot.
Like he is shooting all around the enemy, and then there is that one dublet to the torso resulting in kill, then continue floating around still shooting cluelessly.
Also sometimes its a single hit and then aiming off the enemy despite the one is still alive.
Call me paranoid but it's just too strange.
That could have been pure luck, i mean hes shooting a lot, so some bullets must hit the target in narrow corridors, still there is simply too much of this 'luck'.
Moments on abbey that kind of 'snap'

edit: damn his entire game is just damn incoherent
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Re: Hannibal weird, sb take a look pls

Postby eXtr33m » 12.21.10

some HS luck in the main area .. otherwise i almost fell asleep
if u want to ban him, well why not he didnt listen to havoc twice and was happily camping almost all the time. :P
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