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Postby Rayne » 12.13.10

Low FOV seems to be popular lately.
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Re: Avoti9l-aimbot

Postby JRandomNoob » 12.13.10

In case some beginner like me reading this wonders, WTF does “low FOV” mean, I just had the same question and found the answer, too. Googling gave me a nice link to Steam forums (http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=351078) that explains neatly its purpose and detection (read only the first page, following ones aren't relevant). In a nutshell, low FOV (field of view) means that bot targets and/or shoots only enemies close around the crosshair; it's a simple and functional solution for the scary “kill the guy before you and then turn 180° and kill the guy behind you, with inhuman accuracy” problem that makes botters all too easy to spot.

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