We have hamachi server yay

Description lol

We have hamachi server yay

Postby manhut » 07.22.10

Hamachi is a program so you can play LAN games, online!
This program makes it a lot easier to play with friends.
Server name: dswp
Password: ineedpass

How to correctly install hamachi for windows users
- Goto https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi2/
- Click 'free version'
- Click 'get started'- Click the 'download now' under the 'Unmanaged' column (be sure to agree with the terms of service before that)
- Install Hamachi like you do with any installer

Now Things get a bit tricky:
-After starting up Hamachi and naming yourself, you have to click the big power button. Windows then recognises a new network.
-Click the 'home network' option. Now you have 2 internet connections! :O

Now we entered the 'hard' tier.

And click the 'Open network and sharing centre'
- In the network and sharing centre, click 'change adapter settings'.
- If you can see the file/edit/view etc. bar, skip this step: Press alt to see the formentioned bar.
- Select 'advanced' and press 'advanced settings'

Don't do anything else here becaue it WILL fuck up your internet!
- Click 'ok', do a victory dance because you survived the hardest part.

Last thing to do is joining the dswp network
- Go to the hamachi screen and click 'network' and then 'join an existing network'- Type in what is says

Finished yay!

Be sure not to share any files on your pc because else we can see your porn!!!
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Re: We have hamachi server yay

Postby havoc » 07.22.10

very nice tutorial m8, i like the creative use of the red lines :)

so what are those games you talking about? i think only very old games use lan these days?
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Re: We have hamachi server yay

Postby manhut » 07.22.10

At the moment nothing, but tonight or tomorrow we'll start playing red alert 3, like some months ago.
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Re: We have hamachi server yay

Postby wurst » 07.22.10

we have else vpn services up and running btw, at least 3 of them can simulate u an ethernet...
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Re: We have hamachi server yay

Postby Deviant » 07.23.10

C&C Red Alert 1 < are not really my cup of tea :? But otherwise sounds awesome :) Keep us informed of what games you are playing currently :)
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Re: We have hamachi server yay

Postby manhut » 07.23.10

Deviant wrote:C&C Red Alert 1 < are not really my cup of tea :? But otherwise sounds awesome :) Keep us informed of what games you are playing currently :)

You need to be in mumble for that :)
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Re: We have hamachi server yay

Postby Deviant » 07.23.10

manhut wrote:
Deviant wrote:C&C Red Alert 1 < are not really my cup of tea :? But otherwise sounds awesome :) Keep us informed of what games you are playing currently :)

You need to be in mumble for that :)

>.> I have enough voices speaking inside my head already.
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Re: We have hamachi server yay

Postby Unclefragger » 07.23.10

Deviant wrote:>.> I have enough voices speaking inside my head already.

why is it so easy to believe that one? :|
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Re: We have hamachi server yay

Postby Crusher » 07.23.10

Hmmm... I prefer C&C Generals or Age Of Empires 2 ^_^
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Re: We have hamachi server yay

Postby BEH » 07.24.10

hmm. crimson skies maybe? i had a lot of fun with that one and it's old as fark :)
else some mad red alert maybe yeh
..maybe simple racegames? do they exist?
..like trackmania or something..
tiru: i do sounds like an alien
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