eXtr33m wrote:Yeah we started with Imagine (Logo) which was like -> forward 30, right 50 etc...
The problem - i was 13 or 14 years old and i already started with PHP, so it was pure pain to do in such a language like that... next we had Delphi which is something like Pascal with OOP... And Delphi is used on our Universities too
The unluck of Pascal or Delphi was -> almost immediately after they were published came out revolutionary C and then C++, so they wasnt used so much.. but they were used on schoools :X
Natirips OOP, afaik, is normal procedure programming but with such a things like classes and data types and structures..
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LOGO! I started with it, ad i can say it, it was pure mathematics and testing. All problems in it was when you had to finds angle, which was:
"Lets try 180/n. No, that's too little. Maybe 360/n. Still wrong. Ok 360-180/n*2. Yeah i got it!"
I learned basics, like for, repeat, while, procedures and if. But that's not programing language
At least i would say so.
Well, thing is that there are new simple languages which are better than pascal or basic, which are not learned in schools because most of todays teachers are people from begining of programing and know only those languages. for example, my current professor knows only pascal and java. He doesn't know c or c++, php, python or perl, he nver heared of ruby and so on. He knows what is special in that languages, but he can't write their code.