Graphics changes every time i switch between ut and desctop

Graphics changes every time i switch between ut and desctop

Postby taach1st » 03.18.10

Graphics changes every time i switch between ut and my desktop and the menu freezes..... what to do?

can you help me?
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Re: Graphics changes every time i switch between ut and desctop

Postby Samtron » 03.18.10

Which operation system? Which graphics do you mean? Which menu? Can you perhaps post screenshots or describe it a bit further? I didn't get it so far...
But there is probably a nerd somewhere here who can help you.
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Re: Graphics changes every time i switch between ut and desctop

Postby taach1st » 03.18.10

I use windows vista home prem 32 bit version....

everytime i press the widows-button the screen get black.. and i cahnge to the desctop normally..but if i want to go bac´k to ut... theres my menu and the programs who are opended are showed (taskleiste is noch offen... kp wat dat auf english heißt)
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Re: Graphics changes every time i switch between ut and desctop

Postby dmmh » 03.18.10

use windows+m :)
colors are strange when urt is still running though...I had that as well. Switch back to Urt and exit it normally and it should work.

Hope this works....not quite sure if I understand you correctly.
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Re: Graphics changes every time i switch between ut and desctop

Postby taach1st » 03.18.10

du bis doch deutsch oder ?... kanns du dat nochmal auf deutsch erklren ich check dat nit so... aba danke schonmal... :)
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Re: Graphics changes every time i switch between ut and desctop

Postby wurst » 03.18.10

nein aber der kann wahrscheinlich deutsch :)
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Re: Graphics changes every time i switch between ut and desctop

Postby dmmh » 03.18.10

wurst wrote:nein aber der kann wahrscheinlich deutsch :)
bei den stats steht das land jeweils dabei...

jo, stimmt :)
ich hab 2 jahre auf 'ne flugkreuzfartschiff gearbeitet aufm Rhein & Donau mit fast nur Deutscher...und Amerikaner naturlich :p
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Re: Graphics changes every time i switch between ut and desctop

Postby wurst » 03.19.10

ich sprech holländer immer auf englisch an.
und werde dann zu 99% innerhalb 0,XY sekunden freundlich darauf hingewiesen, daß ich auch deutsch sprechen kann^^
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Re: Graphics changes every time i switch between ut and desctop

Postby dmmh » 03.19.10

hahahaha ja, in die schule mussen wir Deutsch lernen...
hat mir nie schwer gefallen, aber wann man es nicht benutzt felt's schwer...
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