TeamSurvivor Training? :)

all about Server Settings and important changes

Do u want TS?? and When?

I want TS one Day in Week
No TS!
TS is f******* stupid!
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TS on Friday!
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TS on Saturday!
Hate TS... -.-
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hmmm?? TS?? wtf?
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Total votes : 14

Re: TeamSurvivor Training? :)

Postby Cookie » 11.24.09

ts would be nice to play from time to time...but not on a fixed day...

svarox asked in irc who would play TS and that was the idea for the map i proposed which will not be made since its box type map and it causes framedrops...
Image <- got this from JRandomNoob
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Re: TeamSurvivor Training? :)

Postby AimMe » 11.24.09

@stv: Maybe i'm wrong, but as much as i saw TS, there were no rushes as in TDM, there were only "pressures" and sr8 kills from somewhere. Automatic usually guard snipers, or move around them. We played against chill (and got pwned) but not we not them rushed one single time. Maybe we just suck.

But still it stays that TS usually has 2 groups in each team, while in bomb it's usually one big group. And yeah, sound in ts is much more important.

And i think CAH would be best :)
CTF sux. Especially with big teams without teamwork. There's no way one single guy can take and carry flag while 10 other are shooting at him from all sides. Never played clanwar thought.
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Re: TeamSurvivor Training? :)

Postby HumppaLakki » 11.25.09

Sorry but in German!

Vorher sollte vielleicht noch eines klar sein. Wer spielt tatsächlich in [dswp] als Clan?

Wenn wir anfangen sollten zu trainieren dann bin zumindest ich dafür das wir auch ordentlich spielen. Also tatsächlich als Clan. Nur bitte immer ohne diese A und B Squad Scheiße und diese Leader Kacke. Das ist müll.
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Re: TeamSurvivor Training? :)

Postby KnightINDIA » 11.25.09

I prefer CTF instead of Survivor. But i agree with Aimme about teamwork which lacks almost all the time. Ofcourse, TS will be a good option instead of BOMB.
On the other hand, CTF is also cool.

Also, i was searching for learning jumps, but couldn't find the server. Pls help.
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Re: TeamSurvivor Training? :)

Postby HarleyQuin » 11.25.09

@ knight: in the *nice maps* area, there is a post with a link for an urt-maps site, there you are able to download jump maps and try 1st for your own :)

@ humppa: das wird denk ich net möglich sein, da man zu nem funzenden squad immer nen leader und/oder taktiker braucht, wenn das halbe team anfängt das zu machen was sie wollen während eines cw`s, ist der spielspass bald verloren, weil kaum was greifbares bei rauskommt, ausser ab und an mal nen zufallstreffer. würd mich aber schon interessieren, mal wieder richtig ins cw-fieber zu treten :), wenn ihr noch jmd braucht, bin gern dabei xD

@ rest: i like 2 play every mode, cause every modes has advantages and disadvantages, maybe we should find 1 special day 4 the mode, most played like bomb, and a various day for all the other modes, where we can change the modes in that one, what is asked for that day.
1st of all i think we should find out, who wanna play special modes, who has a lot time 2 spend for playing that preferred mode, and what players are the best with maybe 1 or 2 changing players, but if u want to win, u need the best ones, the other can play to, but they has to make a *2nd squad*, the fun squad, there is no other way in my opinion, if u want to rock the net.
or u want just funwars, then there is no need for training, go to urban terror at quake net, find another clan and make fun wars.
i hope u can all understand what im trying to say, my english is school english last used 15 years ago -.-

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Re: TeamSurvivor Training? :)

Postby SteveMcqueen » 11.25.09

TS with skill is either
* rush or
* slow advance + sudden rush (ninja style)

but this needs fucking much teamplay. neither chill or we have it like this, this starts with the lacking movement.
i played with puff* guys sometimes in the past...
on blue, even with best spawn we (three people) could not rush market against one or two good players, because the were already sitting in the middle of market when we arrived.
even if we had the best spawn, did not block each other and were all as fast as possible.

simply depends ont your skill level, usually if you rush you are better off, moving targets are worse to hit, compared to sitting ducks. because movers have misaligned hitboxes because of jumping, but campers do not. that is why they can be hit much easier.

Re: TeamSurvivor Training? :)

Postby KnightINDIA » 11.26.09

Hey Frendz, we can do 1 thing...
Setup a map cycle.
Play a particular mode on a particular map i.e. mode keeps on changing with the map.
:? :?: :?:

I don't know whether it will work, but just my suggestion..
We can play almost all modes in this map everyone's favorite mode will be played.. :D
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