How to spec player in demo?

How to spec player in demo?

Postby zietsh » 05.12.13

Well, how can I spec another player in a demo? The position and aiming of that player seems to be recorded so how can I view that?
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Re: How to spec player in demo?

Postby Pirat » 05.19.13

zietsh wrote:Well, how can I spec another player in a demo? The position and aiming of that player seems to be recorded so how can I view that?


cg_thirdperson        0/1   0   Toggles 3rd Person view ONLY when in demo playback
cg_thirdPersonRange 0-500 40 The camera distance from the character when in third person mode
cg_thirdPersonAngle 0-360 0 The camera angle relative to the character when in third person mode
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Re: How to spec player in demo?

Postby Pirat » 05.19.13

Oh, and there is already a config that makes use of the variables
listed above: ... umovie.cfg
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