Another older problem in Mumble

Another older problem in Mumble

Postby GodMother » 10.20.11

So guys i hide you another (mumble)problem.(cause i thought it was a secondary one)
Well when i open Mumble it shows the 1st picture then when i click to connect to dswp server or any server shows me 2nd pic and the result is the 3d pic!

[my pc and me need a lot of work] we both suck on iformatics :) ]

PS : when sometimes i join mumble its because i unistalled it and installed it again
and every time before joining , this process is being done.

Thank you for your time :)
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Re: Another older problem in Mumble

Postby natirips » 10.20.11

If you were to run mumble from a terminal then it would print some messages to the terminal which may give you a clue about what's happening.

Hint: when reading the output found on the terminal ignore the parts you don't understand and focus to what you *can* understand (i.e. ignore "0x0033fb24" and focus on things like "no sound device found" or "/home/username/Documents/somefile.txt5: no such file or directory" (notice the obvious extra "5" which could be accidentally pressed along with "t" key)).
ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«
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Re: Another older problem in Mumble

Postby eXtr33m » 10.21.11

The Ubuntu Mumble package is stupid, and i think this should work.

Just uninstall mumble:
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get purge mumble

Then go to:
Download the mumble (not dbg or anything else) package for your system (your version of Ubuntu)(i386 if u have 32bit system and amd64 if u have 64bit). For example with name like this: mumble_1.2.3-1~ppa1~maverick1_i386.deb

You can then install it with command (use TAB in terminal to get auto-completion of path):
Code: Select all
sudo dpkg -i path/to/package/your_package

Then you have to go to synaptic package manager search for mumble. The mumble shows up, select that package then go to Package menu in Upper menu and select Lock Package. This will stop it from upgrading to the shitty Ubuntu version.

PS: You could also add whole ppa:slicer repository but then you would have to prefer one repository over another + they don't have packages for 11.04 Natty.
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Re: Another older problem in Mumble

Postby wurst » 10.21.11

...maybe check the 1.20/1.21
btw cool that u try so hard. thats impressive.
and slicer is an upper.
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Re: Another older problem in Mumble

Postby eXtr33m » 10.22.11

wurst wrote:and slicer is an upper.

Even doesn't understand wursti's slang..

I just realised "slicer" :lol:

Btw. they say Ubuntu is user friendly. LOL @ this:
Whichever method you choose, please remember that each method is independent of the other. In other words, if you use aptitude to place a hold on a package, then apt-get won’t see that hold. If you place a hold using dpkg, then aptitude won’t see that hold either. So remember to be consistent with whichever method you choose. Yeah, it’s a bit nuts.

So godmother you will have to do probably:
Code: Select all
sudo aptitude hold mumble

too, just to be sure you won't upgrade it with aptitude if u use that.. and too:
Code: Select all
echo mumble hold | dpkg --set-selections

to hold in apt-XXX

+send a happy letter to Ubuntu. What a user friendly distro!![/irony]
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Re: Another older problem in Mumble

Postby AimMe » 10.22.11

Mint i'd say :)
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Re: Another older problem in Mumble

Postby wurst » 10.24.11

an upper is someone that always brings up new stuffs before they are ready.
i myself do so (when u look lamas corner atm), bill gates is famous for doing it.

when u create something and u like it very much: ur soul wanna show it to all the people.
thats traps, they are delivered to millions peoples yea.
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