I can't Join Mumble and Urban terror at the same time!

I can't Join Mumble and Urban terror at the same time!

Postby GodMother » 10.08.11

I can't Join Mumble and Urban terror at the same time! (this is my prob) nothing more hehe and i use Ubuntu
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Re: I can't Join Mumble and Urban terror at the same time!

Postby natirips » 10.08.11

For a start, try running urban terror and then run mumble from a terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal).

To run mumble from terminal type "mumble" (without the quotes) and press ENTER.

Try posting the output here (you can copy selected text from the terminal by using Edit->Copy or using CTRL+SHIFT+C) (CTRL+C stops currently running program in a terminal).

Edit: If can't ALT+TAB from Urban Terror, try pulling down the console (~ key).

Edit2: Sorry that my spoken English was so bad.
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Re: I can't Join Mumble and Urban terror at the same time!

Postby AimMe » 10.08.11

First enter mumble, then try to run Urban Terror with command
Code: Select all
mumble-overlay ioUrbanTerror.x86_64

Or .i386 if you're on 32 bit.

Btw, does multiple sound (sound from 2 or more apps) work to you usually?
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Re: I can't Join Mumble and Urban terror at the same time!

Postby KnightINDIA » 10.09.11

Try "Settings-User Interface- select "Never" in Always on Top option" and "Settings-Overlay-check on enable overlay"..........worked for me... :D
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Re: I can't Join Mumble and Urban terror at the same time!

Postby GodMother » 10.19.11

They are already choosed
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Re: I can't Join Mumble and Urban terror at the same time!

Postby GodMother » 10.19.11

I did all your steps . Mumble text : adrianos@adrianos:~$ mumble
CELT bitstream 8000000b from libcelt0.so.0.0.0
G15LCDEngineUnix: Unable to connect to G15Daemon.
Locale is en_US
Database SQLite: "3.7.4"
*** WARNING *** The program 'mumble' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <http://0pointer.de/avahi-compat?s=libdns_sd&e=mumble>
Overlay: Listening on "/home/adrianos/.MumbleOverlayPipe"
GlobalShortcutX: Unable to open any keyboard input devices under /dev/input, falling back to XInput
GlobalShortcutX: Using XInput 2.1
GlobalShortcutX: XInput 4:Virtual core XTEST pointer
GlobalShortcutX: XInput 5:Virtual core XTEST keyboard
GlobalShortcutX: XInput 6:Power Button
GlobalShortcutX: XInput 7:Power Button
GlobalShortcutX: XInput 9:AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
AudioInput: 40018 bits/s, 48000 hz, 480 sample CELT
PulseAudio: Starting input alsa_input.pci-0000_00_04.0.analog-stereo
AudioInput: Initialized mixer for 1 channel 48000 hz mic and 0 channel 48000 hz echo
warning: The VAD has been replaced by a hack pending a complete rewrite
adrianos@adrianos:~$ ^C
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Re: I can't Join Mumble and Urban terror at the same time!

Postby GodMother » 10.19.11

Code: Select all
mumble-overlay ioUrbanTerror.x86_64

Or .i386 if you're on 32 bit.

so if i am on 32 bit(i may be :) ) , ''mumble-overlay ioUrbanTerror.x386'' ? cause i tried it and didn't work.
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Re: I can't Join Mumble and Urban terror at the same time!

Postby AimMe » 10.19.11

.i386 not .x386. So
Code: Select all
mumble-overlay /yourgamedir/ioUrbanTerror.i386

would be command for you. Althrough it won't fix anything if it's some bigger problem.
But once it works you'll want to use this command to start urban terror.

And this line:
warning: The VAD has been replaced by a hack pending a complete rewrite

looks really bad. What did you do to your PC?
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Re: I can't Join Mumble and Urban terror at the same time!

Postby natirips » 10.19.11

Hmm, I don't see any explicit crash reason. If Mumble is actually working for you with Urban Terror but simply has no sound (i.e. if the window and/or tray icon are still there, behind UrT, but you just cannot talk in mumble): there are two details I've noticed:

1)Your mumble said (among other things):
Code: Select all
GlobalShortcutX: Unable to open any keyboard input devices under /dev/input, falling back to XInput

Try setting mumble to activate based on "Voice activity" rather then "Push to talk"

Code: Select all
PulseAudio: Starting input alsa_input.pci-0000_00_04.0.analog-stereo
"alsa" part is the key here. I remember back when I was an Ubuntu user with ALSA I couldn't run any game and play background music in any music player at the same time. Actually, using ALSA I couldn't run any two sound-needing applications at the same time.

If you got the stones for it, you can try switching to OSS4. It's a bit more complicated to set up but I use it personally and it works just fine most of the time. Once OSS is installed, you can configure all ALSA-based applications to use OSS by adding a hidden file to your home folder called ".asoundrc" using your favorite plain text editor (i.e. gedit or kate, but not OpenOffice Writer or such). The file must contain the following:
Code: Select all
   type oss
   device /dev/dsp
   type oss
   device /dev/dsp

If you're using Nautilus or such filesystem browser you can use View->Show Hidden Files to view hidden files. Hidden files are those starting with a .(period) or ending with a ~(tilde).
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Re: I can't Join Mumble and Urban terror at the same time!

Postby GodMother » 10.19.11

warning: The VAD has been replaced by a hack pending a complete rewrite[/quote]
looks really bad. What did you do to your PC?[/quote]

Hahaha :D nothing!!!
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