by wurst » 02.17.12
hm, i meant the programs too.
its booting multiple times faster, every program loads faster.
its more reliable, less power consuming, more shock resistant, easier to erase.
but sure, i must give in: urban terror maps dont load significantly faster.
u wont be more sexy at all and ur porn wont look any better.
all computer parts went faster all the time, doubling in capacity and speed every 18 months.
at least all integrated circuits.
hard disks had a linear raise in size and speed, growing maybe 15% in the doubling time of the rest.
those mechanical monsters survived all times, failing that often that u can call them a "job creation instrument"
cause mass storage on them is cheap. 10 cent/GB is a word.
so its no wonder that in any, its THE bottleneck.
the newer the comp, the higher the performance gap between HDD and the rest.
however, now comes bandwidh vs. latency discussion, u all know that those two factors are known as speed in any digital transportation.
from the latency side SSD are already cheap. hell cheap, they crossed that line long time before there were SSDs.
some freaks already used USB sticks for powerful web applications, they never fail when u dont write. they are "green".
the limited write cycles held everyone back. in fact a storage with 100 GB is likely to fail every day when theres just 10K writes.
usb sticks? never trust it! its what we learn from real life.
a 15KRpm disk can have a latency of 3 milliseconds. Queueing Events wont make it faster, its more likely that its heads have to do bigger movements.
in the End we get 333 strikes per second. under good conditions. thats it.
an SSD has typically 0,2ms access time. This means 5000 strikes per second. modern SSD can deal up to 50 simultaneous reads. in the end u will recieve something bewtween 40.000 and 100.000, depending on size, state and R/W.
the worst value would mean a replacement of 120 (600Euro-) Disks, including controllers and electricity.
the SSD costs hm... 100 Euro. Power? 8760 hours * 2 watt = 17,5 Kwh / ~2,--
the 120 hdd * 600 Euro + ~10K for sans/controllers. Not less then 1,5K Euro p.a. for electricity. Calc urself^^
the disks of today deal great with these issues, they bring one nice new part to pur computers:
something with some properties ram and some of hard disks.
soon flash will be cheaper, mram will come.
from the speed side they are already way cheaper then comparable drive arrays.
from the storage side they are not, sure. especially those nice new drives cost up to 4 Euro per GB.
thats 40 times the price of a hdd!
they will become cheaper one day. the secret is teh chips inside.
their raise is a constant doubling in size, so one day their priceline will cross the hdds.
a hdd will always stay a mechanical masterpiece. compare a rolex to a hard drive: rolex loose.
those costs will stay more or less constant in mine expectation. metal price raises *maybe?
be sure to have 1 hdd for ur children (so u can show them what kind of storage mankind used those times).