

Postby eXtr33m » 05.18.10

Beginning: I reinstalled my Xubuntu but i kept my /home partition. So after clean install i just copied data back (dunno know if i run chmod -R user:user). When i launched UrT all setting were all right but my brightness (gamma) was low. When i tried to change it in System-... it just didnt change anything. :|
What i tried: 1) I run chmod -R
2) I tried setting r_ignorehwgamma to set it on 1 and back
3) I tried in UrT console r_gamma

So far i think nothing worked.. is it possible to reinstall without losing my authentication key?

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Re: Brightness

Postby Rylius » 05.18.10

xgamma -gamma <value>
in any console of your like ;)
(well excpect urban terrors :D)
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Re: Brightness

Postby eXtr33m » 05.18.10

Uh, i know i can set brightness on my computer, but i wanted to do it independently from my desktop.. yeah and btw i have newest ati driver..
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Re: Brightness

Postby AimMe » 05.18.10

eXtr33m wrote:So far i think nothing worked.. is it possible to reinstall without losing my authentication key?

It it, but nobody likes to do that. Only if everything else fails....
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Re: Brightness

Postby natirips » 05.18.10

I do it this way:
Code: Select all
natirips@nati-lap:~$ cat `which urt`
xgamma -gamma 2
xgamma -gamma 1
natirips@nati-lap:~$ which urt
natirips@nati-lap:~$ tail .bashrc
#alias l='ls -CF'

# enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable
# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile
# sources /etc/bash.bashrc).
if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
    . /etc/bash_completion

PATH=`echo $PATH:/home/natirips/bin`
So I run urt as 'urt' either from Run dialog or a terminal.
ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«
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Re: Brightness

Postby Cookie » 05.18.10

are you using 32bit or 64bit os? and is it karmic koala or lucid lynx?

i have same issues on 64bit lucid lynx. there is an optimized binary which works on 64bit ubuntu but has that prob with gamma... still didnt resolve it cause im lazy, its on the laptop and i game on a desktop, and i use winblows for gaming...
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Re: Brightness

Postby eXtr33m » 05.19.10

So far thx all..
Natirips: Is it some sort of script, and when the game is closed it will restore back gamma? That could be usefull.. 8-)
Cookie: EXACTLY! I have 64b and i upgraded from karmic to lucid and BAM! its not working..
I have a winblows too but not connected to the world for various reasons... :?
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Re: Brightness

Postby Cookie » 05.19.10

i suggest looking into this
Image <- got this from JRandomNoob
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Re: Brightness

Postby natirips » 05.19.10

eXtr33m wrote:Natirips: Is it some sort of script, and when the game is closed it will restore back gamma? That could be usefull.. 8-)
Yes, it's a (ba)sh script (Debian (and Ubuntu too) imply #!/bin/bash or so in an executable plain text file).

So I have a "bin" directory inside my home directory, and there is a file called "urt" there, that is executable. I also added that last line with $PATH into ~/.bashrc file (not sure if it is there on Ubuntu) so I can run it from anywhere.

The first line sets gamma to 2.0, the second line launches UrT (simply /path/to/your/binary/ioUrbanTerror.arch), and the third line restores gamma back to 1.0 (normally default value).

Here's what the script file looks like:
Code: Select all
xgamma -gamma 2
xgamma -gamma 1

If you can't pimp your .bashrc or add ~/bin to your $PATH in any other way, you can start it as "~/bin/urt", or put it in your home folder and run as "~/urt" (both either from a terminal or from a Run dialog (ALT+F2)).

You could also put it into /usr/local/bin or something using sudo and/or su so it's in the default $PATH, so it can be run by any user.
ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«
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Re: Brightness

Postby Unclefragger » 05.19.10

~/bin is a MUST have! but why do you add it at the end of $PATH and not in the beginning? You can't override other applications the way you use it
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