VoteKick vs Cheaters

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VoteKick vs Cheaters

Postby Sulayamaniyah » 12.02.08

Last days there is a lot of very "not smart" cheaters with full aim + wallhacks. It's just depressing - please consider enabling votekick, because for hours game is senseless with such idiots like those 2 tuks few days ago. They played for hours and it's just too hard to stand...
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Re: VoteKick vs Cheaters

Postby AimMe » 12.02.08

Sulayamaniyah wrote:Last days there is a lot of very "not smart" cheaters with full aim + wallhacks. It's just depressing - please consider enabling votekick, because for hours game is senseless with such idiots like those 2 tuks few days ago. They played for hours and it's just too hard to stand...

I believe that more admins would solve that. With votekick you won't get any better. After kick, they'll just come back. Votekick will only make some unnecessary kicks, maybe people who only play good.

But it's different with ban. If we could "cover" all time with admins, we would get rid of cheaters very fast.

Is there way that we make deal when will who be "on duty"? It's better if we are online in different times then all at same (short) time, and then happens like Steve says that cheaters come when admins leave.
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Re: VoteKick vs Cheaters

Postby Sulayamaniyah » 12.02.08

Well this is the best option, and I think tere are few men who possibly You can trust. I've never seen knirps, kkforce, Babochka, cwf>kuban and few others to do something stupid, but I'm quite new here. And possibly owners could do some test. I belive less harm will be done by this, then by those $@!$!@# ;)
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Re: VoteKick vs Cheaters

Postby AimMe » 12.03.08

Yes, it is true there are people who we can trust, there is another topic about that.
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