What will be up in 4.2?

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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby Rylius » 01.18.11

hm true, i only have heard of slackin and keres...
slackin hangs around in some irc channels btw, try #pugbot on qnet; he also seems to use the name nickals lately

i dont think its modified urt source, it has too many quake 3 influences
eg light when carrying flag
also the hand models seem very stiff (= not fully animated/no seperate models for each weapon)
the doors are not a feature, they were in q3 also lol
i found a tutorial for rotating doors too, so dont think thats too much work either
weapon dropping isnt hard to do
ladders are easy
explosions and bullet impacts are q3, also the smoke trail on hk69 nades has a q3 texture
only thing they *really* did are the animations, since the playermodels dont work "out of the box" in q3 iirc; walljumps and powerslides also

for the time this project has been around and how many devs should be there, they made very little progress, so i guess the project is dead.
and since they didnt release any sources yet, we cant do a thing about it... meh

@jrn: its xreal not xfire :P
wursti wrote:Anime? wow thats that movies where 100 dicks come out of a monster?
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby JRandomNoob » 01.18.11

Rylius wrote:@jrn: its xreal not xfire :P

Seen too many Xfire accounts while googling :P

Rylius wrote:hm true, i only have heard of slackin and keres...
slackin hangs around in some irc channels btw, try #pugbot on qnet; he also seems to use the name nickals lately

Yeah, nickals is in the board, too.
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby wurst » 01.18.11

Ah, Ana found some out...

(Reverse DNS for returns [server.gamingtilt.com]
his big site where alot crap is hosted is called gamingtilt.com

the IP of the Server (and some else things belong btw to some GT-Rick, Ana found that out...)
I think the important hint was his email address that he posted somewhere (admin@gamingtilt.com)

however, its fake and the faker knows what hes doing.
just wanted to let it in the public
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby SvaRoX » 01.19.11

wurst wrote:its fake and the faker knows what hes doing.
just wanted to let it in the public

Thx :)
wurst wrote:Ah, Ana found some out...
wurst wrote:(and some else things belong btw to some GT-Rick, Ana found that out...)

Ana tracking people over the internet ? She is a pro no doubt :P
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby Rylius » 01.19.11

you wont be happy about that when she finds you :D
wursti wrote:Anime? wow thats that movies where 100 dicks come out of a monster?
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby SvaRoX » 01.19.11

Rylius wrote:you wont be happy about that when she finds you :D

She has already found me, that's why I say that ;)
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby Rylius » 01.19.11

!!! where are the pics?
wursti wrote:Anime? wow thats that movies where 100 dicks come out of a monster?
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby AimMe » 01.19.11

She promised she won't put pix, so now she has svarox's number :)
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby eXtr33m » 01.20.11

W8.. if ana could stalk out (whats the word) svarox. That means anybody with knowledge like ana had could find him, but that means svarox dont really want to be "unknown" (cuz he is known) but just dont want to post pics..

(Ye i dont know what ana really know about svarox.. (if she knows his name it could be easy to find him ofc :D))
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Re: What will be up in 4.2?

Postby wurst » 01.20.11

ana is in fact a stalker
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