!follow command or whatever

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!follow command or whatever

Postby dmmh » 07.15.09

^^ know it doesnt exist, but it would be very handy to do something like !follow playername to switch to spectate mode for that player instantly instead of having to cycle through 31 players and when you click to fast, start the cycle again....

maybe I am missing a command I don't know about, but afaik it doesn't exist

would it be possible to make it?

saves a lot of time spotting cheaters...
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Re: !follow command or whatever

Postby XTJ7 » 07.15.09

!find <playername>

It gives you the id then, for example 15
Then you open the console and type /follow 15
That's it.
<XTJ7> !penis
<CuntBot> XTJ7, your penis is 23.3 cm long. 8=========D
<XTJ7> !8ball do i rock?
<CuntBot> XTJ7: OH YEAH !
<BEH> !8ball you lieing too?
<CuntBot> BEH: Totally not.
<BEH> -_-''
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Re: !follow command or whatever

Postby dmmh » 07.15.09

mmmmmm ima moron
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Re: !follow command or whatever

Postby XTJ7 » 07.15.09

Nah, but now you're a whole lot more knowledgeable than before :)
<XTJ7> !penis
<CuntBot> XTJ7, your penis is 23.3 cm long. 8=========D
<XTJ7> !8ball do i rock?
<CuntBot> XTJ7: OH YEAH !
<BEH> !8ball you lieing too?
<CuntBot> BEH: Totally not.
<BEH> -_-''
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Re: !follow command or whatever

Postby SvaRoX » 07.15.09

You can also use /playerlist to find player's id, useful if B3 is afk...
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Re: !follow command or whatever

Postby dmmh » 07.15.09

that I knew, but !find is very usefull :)
the meaning of the word cunt....loool

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Re: !follow command or whatever

Postby wurst » 07.15.09

!find cheater
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Re: !follow command or whatever

Postby AimMe » 07.15.09

But with /follow there is sometimes beg that there is no crossair and hands of player. So i cant see small snaps if he's using aimbot.

Anyway, i'm at some stupid PC on windows (my lil brothers) and won't be able to play more few days... My luck is -100.
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Re: !follow command or whatever

Postby wurst » 07.15.09

if u dont see the crosshair (AND) theres "spectator" and the player name in some unbelievable overlay-mix down:

-press fire (u follow another player now)
-open console, press up arrow (simply repead /follow ##)

problem apears when ure in "free fly mode" spectating before u make /follow command.
funny eh?
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Re: !follow command or whatever

Postby Unclefragger » 07.15.09

/playerlist hast the advantage of not using the bot, so you won't block it and you don't have to wait for it either. There sometimes even are names that b3 won't !find nor correctly !list (not sure about !list, but I have that in mind, maybe the empty ones?) but /playerlist lists each and every thing on the server ;)
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