what is this?

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what is this?

Postby SteveMcqueen » 06.25.09

(4.4 KiB) Downloaded 8162 times

Re: what is this?

Postby wurst » 06.25.09

ah good that u ask, i normally wanted to ask that blinky just but when u ask ok:

theres a green and a red dot.
if user has voted there should be shown green, else red.
yesterday ana told me: wow i have there a green AND a red button.

but the script was like "!= 1" and "= 1" for the one or the other image.
a look in the database showed me that the values are stored as binary, the table cells contain "0x30" or "0x31"
so i started to monitor the output of the php by calling the same again, just writing "echo" in front of it.

so the secret is: its debuging.

oki np i thought: php bindec() will translate me that.
hah! it gives me 49! (whatever 49 may mean now)

the value btw get called through the phpbb as allways in phpbb, the data is a column in phpbb_users table.
i must look what the phpbb does there with the database query since in plain sql i can say him "where user_voted = '0x31'
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Re: what is this?

Postby SteveMcqueen » 06.25.09

now i have a blinking red dot in front of a "1"....

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Re: what is this?

Postby SteveMcqueen » 06.25.09

flashing red 00

Re: what is this?

Postby wurst » 06.25.09


oki for reminding:
Code: Select all
   <!-- PHP -->
  $voted = ((int)$user->data['voted_for_maps']);
  //debug :)
  //echo $voted;
   if ($voted > "0" ) echo "<img border="0" src="./images/icons/user_voted.gif" ></font>";
  if ($voted < "1" ) echo "<img border="0" src="./images/icons/user_not_voted.gif" ></font>";
  //mit != / = funktionierts komischerweise trotzdem nicht...
   <!-- ENDPHP -->

the funny thing is that i get with that an output of 1/0 for voted/not voted but i cant work with = and !=
greater then works, so we have "bigger then 0" for voted and "smaller then 1" for non- voters...
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Re: what is this?

Postby AimMe » 06.25.09

I've got only green dot.
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Re: what is this?

Postby wurst » 06.25.09

did u mapvote allready?

if yes, it should be Image
if no, it should be Image

btw im looking forward to mark important things with this flashing dots, anyone got an opinion on that?

i included little map images with the check boxes, im sry u cant test it till friday, hope you enjoy...

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Re: what is this?

Postby XTJ7 » 06.25.09

Why don't you just work with if and else? If you are able to make only the green dot appear, why not work with else instead? :D
<XTJ7> !penis
<CuntBot> XTJ7, your penis is 23.3 cm long. 8=========D
<XTJ7> !8ball do i rock?
<CuntBot> XTJ7: OH YEAH !
<BEH> !8ball you lieing too?
<CuntBot> BEH: Totally not.
<BEH> -_-''
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Re: what is this?

Postby AimMe » 06.25.09

I did vote and it is OK.
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Re: what is this?

Postby wurst » 06.25.09

hm cause there could be another state in future i thought.
dunno its blinkys moped i wanna just not to cross his plans...

btw. if/else didnt workout too.
now where i call (int) of that value i get a 0/1 result.
if = 1 bring me both, if = 0 too, else just bring me the first one cause allways valid somehow...

whatever, if u like look it, id like to understand what goes on with the bin value.
to define 1 as > 0 is ok but i think to say 1=1 is no basically new thing...
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