Haha dmmh is even more hot with his knife since he passed me
Do you really need a knife-only mapcycle when you made hummm about 400 frags yesterday with the knife ?! grrrrr
I would say F2 too, because I prefer to slice people with automatic than noobs who can't handle a knife, and I couldn't play long without a LR300 or SR8 =). What SKracht said is a nice idea : imagine swim or firingrange knife only every 10 maps
Concerning the knife contest, maybe I could code that into my plugin, if I use Db storage. For example, it could display temporary knife stats somewhere on the website every friday (the day the mapcycle is updated) and reset it for the following week.
About the knife plugin, I've coded a challenge function. I've noticed that sometimes you want to slice a player in particular, so let's make it public =). !knch <playername> displays a bigtext with the name of the guy to slice, the first to slice him/her will have his name displayed too, and if he has not been sliced during some time he wins the challenge. I've not updated it yet... If it fuck up the gameplay I will remove the function