map_cycle from the Hell!

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map_cycle from the Hell!

Postby Ana » 05.29.09

kingdom in red team
uptown in red team

this would be mine.... and payed much attention on the map order
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Re: map_cycle from the Hell!

Postby wurst » 05.29.09

ana prefer serbian voting traditions.

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Re: map_cycle from the Hell!

Postby bky » 05.30.09


ana could be right :>

the actual mapvote doesn't order the's a shuffle...also there are nearly no really changes in it oO

lately i was told, that you can't write voted maps twice in i came to a new idea when i saw ana's cycle ^^

what about one mapcycle created by 2 gamers for 1 day?
last week 22 players it would take about 11 days, till you could't vote again...
every player could vote for 5 regular maps and their order plus 1 custom map...this could be combined with another players votes and run for bout 1 day on srv :?:
ana could use her plus wurstis votes for getting her cycle :)
one problem would be the matching of 2 players with completely different maps :|
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Re: map_cycle from the Hell!

Postby AimMe » 05.30.09

What about having some normal mapcycle, and admins cycle maps how they want? !nextmap utr_dicks! :D
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Re: map_cycle from the Hell!

Postby wurst » 05.30.09

hm i think our little self-made democracy shows now its bad side (or better limits)
u know, democracy is in fact the dictatorship of the 51 over the 49.
and thre worst is: here the concept ends. ancient greeks, modern democacies and us, we share the problem.
i am thinking now bout alternatives, id like to warn u from diassembling the best compromise till theres a real solution.

ah, im having two points where we could enhance it.
compared to real democratic systems, we have some methodical differences since we run the vote in a computer.
so let me compare some differences in a constructive way, maybe we can make it better. (aka "yes-we-can-mentality-guy")

first one is some differency that belong to the game itself.
every map can be only one time in mapcycle. its like in real life would be 1 member in parliament, no matter how many votes his party got.
So the map with 20 votes on place 1 and the map with 4 votes on place 10, they get executed the same often.
the map with 4 votes (place 11 cause alphabetical order) wont be played. if we could change this, we would share a big advantage of real live democracy.
unfourtionatly i dont see any way to archieve that.

second is an advantage that we have in computers.
we can vote as often as we want.
in real life the example of the people from switzerland is nice. they spend an enourmous amount of energy to put the "vote schduler" in narrow cycles.
we can archieve this with a simple setting, and we do it allready.
every week is vote.
an alternative could be to execute a new cycle when theres enough votes cast.
real life democracy suffer a lot from "non represetative votes" since theres often just a small amout of votes. they cant wait till enough people voted, we could do this easily.

third is simple and short. its valid for both, real and virtual live.
keep it easy.
in virtual live u have again an advantage: switch the political system, play on another server!
if thats not enough, go and run ur own state!
yes! its no problem. its cheap but sure a lot of work to build little houses and streets and toilets for ur citizens.
if u would try this in real life u would have to learn a lot of languages, in some cases its just impossible (cause they would kill you).
in the internet its just a klick away.

sry for the big ble, i dont wanna be political.
its has just differences from real life.
better know it, so u wont be diasppointed or scared when u face the machine.
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Re: map_cycle from the Hell!

Postby SvaRoX » 05.30.09

AnaLn00b wrote:crossing
kingdom in red team
uptown in red team

Heeeyy that's close from the mapcycle I voted for :D Ana I'm sure you could enjoy some of these maps if they were more often in the mapcycle =)

I like the current voting system. IMHO, the only thing which should be changed is the difference between normal and custom maps, because custom maps have a higher probability to be voted than the others (10 votes maps for normal maps + 2 for custom maps). Or maybe someone can put ambush and swim into the custom maps area ? ;)
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Re: map_cycle from the Hell!

Postby wurst » 05.30.09

another idea:
we could try to launch a new thread with every mapcycle.
discussion is to democracy what kentucky is to chickens!

hihi :lol:
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Re: map_cycle from the Hell!

Postby AimMe » 05.31.09

yay, posts for the people! :D
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Re: map_cycle from the Hell!

Postby dmmh » 05.31.09

the meaning of the word cunt....loool

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