Custom forum ranks gone @_@

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Custom forum ranks gone @_@

Postby JRandomNoob » 11.21.12

…except for those lower than lvl60, and the two “orange admins”, SvaRoX and XTJ7. (And the stafflist shows we [are going to] have a Q3 server now? Fascinating.)
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Re: Custom forum ranks gone @_@

Postby natirips » 11.21.12

I feel honored that my rank remained intact.

@topic: But srsly guise, what happened?
ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«
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Re: Custom forum ranks gone @_@

Postby AimMe » 11.21.12

From God to Godlike... What have i done to deserve this?!
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Re: Custom forum ranks gone @_@

Postby wurst » 11.22.12

ye, i redesigned the query, exchanged some inner for left joins.
had to fill fields, did it in the backend, it overwrites.
need playback backup @WE for phpbb_users.user_groups, having a 3GB sql File on the desktop...

anyhow, the restarter worx now and it works for dirrerent games and groups.
they are displayed now and the query runs in 0.2 sec (instad of 2.5+sec)...
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