Hey, thx very much, thats better reading.
i dont wanna let people use it from here, id like to have page where people can browse urban terror servers.
features like real-time refreshing of a specified server status would be ok in my eyes.
important to collect timestamps and make it hammer/dos safe.
with gametracker i mean
http://www.gametracker.com as the holy grail of online gameserver monitoring/tracking^^
oki what i did...
I made SQL backend, having tables for
- server (master) list
- extended server info (to be updated)
- amount of players graphing (to be continued)
now im having to query ~800 servers in narrow cycles.
script runs ~3 seconds, table fills up.
starting a vas amount of tasks means using multicore:
1358 - 1061 = 297 MB
--> thats ok, anyways ~300KB Ram per process is something that could be better.
ah, heres the script that queries each gameserver:
- Code: Select all
// Turn lamish PHP E_NOTICE off!
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
include './conf.php';
$db = mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbuserpass) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($dbname, $db) or die("Cannot select $dbname");
$vaiables = $_SERVER['argv'];
$ip = $vaiables['1'];
$port = $vaiables['2'];
if ($ip == '' || $port == ''){ echo "usage: server_properties.php <server_ip> <server_port>\n"; die; }
$con = fsockopen("udp://$ip", $port, $errno, $errstr, 2);
fwrite($con, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetstatus\x00");
stream_set_timeout($con, 2);
$s = "";
if ($con) {
$read = fread($con, 10000);
$s = substr($read, "4");
// echo $s.'<br><br>';
$s_data = explode("\\", $s);
$response = $s_data[0];
if ($response == "statusResponse\n"){
$g_matchmode = explode("g_matchmode\\",$s);
$g_matchmode = substr($g_matchmode[1],"0","30");
$g_matchmode = explode("\\",$g_matchmode);
//echo "$g_matchmode[0]\n";
$g_gametype = explode("g_gametype\\",$s);
$g_gametype = substr($g_gametype[1],"0","30");
$g_gametype = explode("\\",$g_gametype);
//echo "$g_gametype[0]\n";
$sv_maxclients = explode("sv_maxclients\\",$s);
$sv_maxclients = substr($sv_maxclients[1],"0","30");
$sv_maxclients = explode("\\",$sv_maxclients);
//echo "$sv_maxclients[0]\n";
$sv_privateClients = explode("sv_privateClients\\",$s);
$sv_privateClients = substr($sv_privateClients[1],"0","30");
$sv_privateClients = explode("\\",$sv_privateClients);
//echo "$sv_privateClients[0]\n";
$g_matchmode = explode("g_matchmode\\",$s);
$g_matchmode = substr($g_matchmode[1],"0","30");
$g_matchmode = explode("\\",$g_matchmode);
//echo "$g_matchmode[0]\n";
$g_warmup = explode("g_warmup\\",$s);
$g_warmup = substr($g_warmup[1],"0","30");
$g_warmup = explode("\\",$g_warmup);
//echo "$g_warmup[0]\n";
$sv_hostname = explode("sv_hostname\\",$s);
$sv_hostname = substr($sv_hostname[1],"0","30");
$sv_hostname = explode("\\",$sv_hostname);
//echo "$sv_hostname[0]\n";
$fraglimit = explode("fraglimit\\",$s);
$fraglimit = substr($fraglimit[1],"0","30");
$fraglimit = explode("\\",$fraglimit);
//echo "$fraglimit[0]\n";
$timelimit = explode("timelimit\\",$s);
$timelimit = substr($timelimit[1],"0","30");
$timelimit = explode("\\",$timelimit);
//echo "$timelimit[0]\n";
$g_allowvote = explode("g_allowvote\\",$s);
$g_allowvote = substr($g_allowvote[1],"0","30");
$g_allowvote = explode("\\",$g_allowvote);
//echo "$g_allowvote[0]\n";
$sv_dlURL = explode("sv_dlURL\\",$s);
$sv_dlURL = substr($sv_dlURL[1],"0","30");
$sv_dlURL = explode("\\",$sv_dlURL);
//echo "$sv_dlURL[0]\n";
$Admin = explode("Admin\\",$s);
$Admin = substr($Admin[1],"0","30");
$Admin = explode("\\",$Admin);
//echo "$Admin[0]\n";
$Email = explode("Email\\",$s);
$Email = substr($Email[1],"0","30");
$Email = explode("\\",$Email);
// echo "$Email[0]\n";
//$uid = dechex("$ip$port");
//Generate UID from srv address
$ip_split = explode(".",$ip);
$uid = str_pad(dechex($ip_split[0]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(dechex($ip_split[1]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(dechex($ip_split[2]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(dechex($ip_split[3]), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(dechex($port), 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
echo "$uid\n";
echo "$ip\n";
echo "$port\n";
echo "$g_matchmode[0]\n";
echo "$g_gametype[0]\n";
echo "$sv_maxclients[0]\n";
echo "$sv_privateClients[0]\n";
echo "$g_matchmode[0]\n";
echo "$g_warmup[0]\n";
echo "$sv_hostname[0]\n";
echo "$fraglimit[0]\n";
echo "$timelimit[0]\n";
echo "$g_allowvote[0]\n";
echo "$sv_dlURL[0]\n";
echo "$Admin[0]\n";
echo "$Email[0]\n";
$query = "
INSERT INTO `server_properties`
( `uid`, `port`, `g_matchmode`, `g_gametype`, `sv_maxclients`, `sv_privateClients`, `g_warmup`, `sv_hostname`, `fraglimit`, `timelimit`, `g_allowvote`, `sv_dlURL`, `Admin`, `Email`)
VALUES ('$uid', '$port', '$g_matchmode[0]', '$g_gametype[0]', '$sv_maxclients[0]', '$sv_privateClients[0]', '$g_warmup[0]', '$sv_hostname[0]', '$fraglimit[0]', '$timelimit[0]', '$g_allowvote[0]', '$sv_dlURL[0]', '$Admin[0]', '$Email[0]')
//echo $query;
mysql_query($query, $db);
echo "$ip:$port online";
else {
echo "$ip:$port offline";
...And this shoots it:
- Code: Select all
// Turn lamish PHP E_NOTICE off!
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
include './conf.php';
$db = mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbuserpass) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($dbname, $db) or die("Cannot select $dbname");
$query ="SELECT ip, port FROM server_list";
$result = mysql_query($query, $db);
//echo $row['ip']."\n";
$ip = $row['ip'];
$port = $row['port'];
shell_exec("php ./server_properties.php $ip $port > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &");
thx blinky again for his great explode trix.
i know it eats ram but it accours to be the only way to have variable and value assigned fail safe.
Every new Cycle on that 800 Servers brings me 800 new rows in the graphing table (where amount of players and current map are stored)
it makes ~50 KB in Database.
Doing it every minute would mean store 72 MB per Day / 2,1 GB per Month.
After, cummulating to 1 Value per hour reduces the amount of Data to additional 35 MB/ Month.
Thats Values where 1 can live with i would say...
some output for registered users only...