Everything worked fine, theres anyways some things:
1a.) Translator plugin wont start on TDM:
- Code: Select all
110423 10:23:35 CRITICAL Error loading plugin: No module named xgoogle.translate
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "b3\parser.pyo", line 554, in loadPlugins
File "b3\parser.pyo", line 667, in pluginImport
File "G:\gameservers\UrbanTerror\b3\extplugins\translators.py", line 23, in <module>
ImportError: No module named xgoogle.translate
1b.) B3 is now standalone Version (which provides DIFFERENT binaries (python.exe) for every Gameserver).
I think that problem 1a is connected to this special version of Python.
The Plugin deactivated now. Anyone an idea?
Different Binaries give me the possibility to kill the Bots separate when a server hangs.
Till now, i had to kill all the 4 python.exe's. Now im simply killing 2222.exe (which is the TDM AND the B3 for TDM)
2) Our Version of the PoweradminURT dont work anylonger, including the Config File.
The PoweradminURT on TDM was new enough, its Conf file is now copied to all Servers.
If u miss some Rights (for example Jump Server):
shht, please tell!
If u find out anything anti- normal (or better: anything that changed on April 23, 2011)
Rage and Report plz!