Mumble - Auto-Move Script

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Mumble - Auto-Move Script

Postby Pricey » 03.28.11

Hi there, I was just wondering whether your auto-move script was available for public download or whether it was some private script. Please could you tell me about it? thanks! :) (sorry if this is in the wrong forum O.o please move it if it is, thaaanks! ;))

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Re: Mumble - Auto-Move Script

Postby JRandomNoob » 03.28.11

There you go: all DSWP projects. Note that I, as a lowly peon, have no idea whether mumbleswitcher’s publicly available codebase has been updated with the latest changes; ircbot for example still isn’t (HINT, HINT).
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Re: Mumble - Auto-Move Script

Postby Pricey » 03.28.11

Thank you very much :) I really appreciate the help =)

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Re: Mumble - Auto-Move Script

Postby Unclefragger » 03.28.11

should be the currently running version, please not that it depends on a db with matched people, it could easily be altered to look for IP or name but those just aren't as reliable.
In case something isn't working or you need help adjusting leave a message here and I'll try to help you out.
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Re: Mumble - Auto-Move Script

Postby wurst » 03.29.11

Yeah, its a little mess, let me explain a bit...
Where to begin?

One day, someone thought it would be nice to have this feature.
Soon we found out, that we need a central user database.
We had to know which mumble user ist which ingame user. Hm.
Btw, it was a brilliant idea to have a central auth table. More brilliant then the switcher itself i think.
It was just the first appliance somehow.

Here it starts.
Fourtionatly theres a bridge for Mumble-PHPBB. Great.
It reads users from Forums. NP, others do the job (:
And a need was born: Bring the Urt to the Forums.

Next Level. Game-PHPBB.
Unfourtionatly not so comfortable. We match IPs.
ATM its still a Cron (SQL), in Future id like to use a Trigger.
The Thing went bigger over the years, we have a huge *Re-Matching SQL script collection*.
NP to run that for u.
Would mean thers PHPBB-DB and B3 in one Database.

So far so good, all needed Users matched in one Table.
What now.
Ask Unclefragger, he wrote
1.) A plugin for B3 (to get the teamswich in realtime)
2.) A Plugin for Mumble (to switch it)
inbetween, a query is needed from the mumble (all userIDs are in 1 table, but sure different)
Uncles Plugin changed over times, first it was a simple HTTP request, now he creates a Server-Client connection in order to save bandwith.

This Pic shows maybe a good overwiew of what im talking about:

Nerdish installations.
If ure unemployed and u have 2-3 computers left:
Maybe a nice plan, who knows. Anyway, were all geek enough to love this, if u really want to install we pick u all scripts. Could be some funny hours to days...
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