sry for the lag

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sry for the lag

Postby wurst » 02.22.09

oki guys last weeks some players were complaining bout lags on the server.
i didnt take it seriously cause hm: they allways complain bout lags, specially the low pingers. one day its not 20 ping, its 25! omg wtf.
this time ana was complaining too, having 20 ping as usual. after she screamed some weeks, i saw it myself on her monitor: connection interrupted.
i was working the same time on a rdp on server, i didnt expirience any lags.
in the end i thought myself: oki lets reset the firewall, its running allready for 9 month now.
hehe. that was it.

heres an image of the cpu graph of firewall. the little dark red spikes in jan/feb mark the time where we had the lags. dunno what causet the problem in the end exactly. but i dont care its over now :)

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Re: sry for the lag

Postby Ana » 02.24.09

just lets say like this: if u dont wanna bother with it just say nicely so (at least) I can look up for some other server. its annoying! most of all that, that u dont believe. and oh if its needed to decrease player slots well .....
i know u have so much to do but before u do stop and look we lag.
thanx for understanding that im pissed off :x
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Re: sry for the lag

Postby wurst » 02.24.09

anyone still got lags?

(i mean lags allthough ping is good to exellent)
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Re: sry for the lag

Postby Epsilon24 » 02.25.09

I have lags as well. When I look at the netgraph, I have package losses (yellow spikes) and I can understand Anna very well. My ping is allright (20-30) and I don't have problems on other servers.

Hope u get it fixed, I always like playing on Wurst...

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Re: sry for the lag

Postby wurst » 02.25.09

je packet loss, i seen that on ana. funny that i dont have that, maybe its cause i play via vpn normally.
btw: then its rly the router. the funny thing is that we have a bsd pf there, thats not normal...
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Re: sry for the lag

Postby SteveMcqueen » 02.26.09

i have had connn interrupts lately.... also after the server restart!!

Re: sry for the lag

Postby Unclefragger » 02.26.09

hmm is there a chance that the data center upgraded to traffic shaping and port 22222 is commonly used by less popular applications? (torrents, edk, other file sharing and unwanted stuff)
Since I can't recall having lags on the BFG+Hook server (not that I play there often just once in a while for a very short period of time (getting totally pwned really isn't that much fun ^^)) and both are running through the same line ... maybe we should switch the port commonly used by HL (CS) servers?

Only thing that came up my mind in case that all other servers run smooth.
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Re: sry for the lag

Postby SteveMcqueen » 02.26.09

komm grad von einigen runden.... erste map hatt ich 40 10 oder so, zweite weng schlechter, dritte grottig...

das niveau aufm server hat sich nich gross geändert, es gingen immer mehr leute fort (nicht mehr übervoll), und das platzpatronengefühl nahm stetig zu........ aber sehr extrem. die letzte map ging so halb... entweder null oder doch ganz ok. gleiche teams, wechel von casa zu toxic, also am niveau hatte sich wirklich nix geändert, nur konnte man phasenweise wieder was treffen.

äusserst ominös.

Re: sry for the lag

Postby wurst » 02.26.09

oki i rebooted firewall. anyone still lag?
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Re: sry for the lag

Postby SanHolo » 02.27.09

I can't test now, but I used to have packet loss also, like since january or maybe even earlier. Ping is always fine, but lots of yellow spikes, especially when they're least useful, e.g. 2 enemies turn up...
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