
Everything technical and nerdy stuff here plz !


Postby wurst » 12.29.08

this is outdated, we use mumble now.

oki it runs, now we have official telefonapparat :)
thx xtj7 theres a workaround for the new password encryption mechanism that took place in phpbb3 RC5 release.
(that one --> ... &version=3 - search for "hash")

server listens on
port is 8767 (standard, u dont need to set)

username and password are the same like in forums.
future changes in ur password will change password there too.

client is aviaible here:
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Re: teamspeak

Postby XTJ7 » 12.29.08

For those auto-logon bastards like myself:
If you encounter login problems in TS, simply log off in the forum and log on again. That updates the password in the ts database and you will from now on be able to log in to TS by using your username/password from the forum.
Same goes for password changes, it might be necesary to log off and on again after changing your password first, for the change to take place for TS.

TALK to you soon folks.
<XTJ7> !penis
<CuntBot> XTJ7, your penis is 23.3 cm long. 8=========D
<XTJ7> !8ball do i rock?
<CuntBot> XTJ7: OH YEAH !
<BEH> !8ball you lieing too?
<CuntBot> BEH: Totally not.
<BEH> -_-''
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Re: teamspeak

Postby Unclefragger » 12.29.08

TS ;(
sux on mac, ever though about mumble? ^^
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Re: teamspeak

Postby wurst » 12.29.08

indeed. i even looked ventrilo
i just didnt really realize that mac users now can play the game, thats new...
mumble is btw the other one that can use mysql and is through that same connectable to this forums / b3 database like teamspeak

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Re: teamspeak

Postby SanHolo » 01.02.09

Unclefragger wrote:TS ;(
sux on mac, ever though about mumble? ^^

Tried TeamSpeex? Works for me...

wurst wrote:indeed. i even looked ventrilo
i just didnt really realize that mac users now can play the game, thats new...

UrT has been available for the Mac for ages. :)
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Re: teamspeak

Postby Unclefragger » 01.02.09

TeamSpeex ofc works but it sucks hard :P
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Re: teamspeak

Postby wurst » 01.03.09

SanHolo wrote:UrT has been available for the Mac for ages. :)

afaik its aviaible since theres IOquake. correct?

oki let me see wether we mumbel later, first the site comes new :)
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Re: teamspeak

Postby AimMe » 01.03.09

I've got TS, but I can't go to blue team, not to red team not to spectators. It says that I don't have permission to do that.

Does this thing detects if player is playing on server and which team?
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Re: teamspeak

Postby wurst » 01.04.09

hm why u cant change channels dunno. should work...
we were talking allready bout automatic switching somewhere else but teamspeak itself dont allow such actions remotely.
so its just not possible.
another problem is that switching a player mean matching ip adresses. if 2 players are behind 1 dsl router we have a crappy situation.
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Re: teamspeak

Postby SteveMcqueen » 01.12.09

ts works, but nobody is on



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