Signature Stats

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Signature Stats

Postby Samtron » 04.07.10

I really like the signature stats in the forum. Today I thought about them and had some really simple ideas:
Forum Signature Stats

1. Reorder the days so that the current day is the last day. I think that's more user-friendly and intuitive.
2. The ratio is currently not rounded but just cut. Can we change this to rounded values (like on the author field left to the post)?
3. Perhaps add a "current ratio" (computed from last weeks kills and deaths, which is already gathered data for the image) under the ratio. This reflects better the ratio for people playing for a very long time here... or is this stats-whoring?
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Posts: 1296
Joined: 01.08.09
Location: Berlin, Germany
nick: Samtron
skill: 584.92
kills: 316
deaths: 269
ratio: 1.17

Re: Signature Stats

Postby dmmh » 04.07.10

I just play worse the longer I play :D
I dont care about stats at all, as long as I can rush and have fun and it helps the team :D
the meaning of the word cunt....loool

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Joined: 01.19.09

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