How to invent funstuffs for all the time?

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How to invent funstuffs for all the time?

Postby taach1st » 03.30.10

I wanted to ask how to play the whole time(evrytime you log in...) with a funstuff on your head...

i know how to become an funstuff... console and /funred piratehat /funblue piratehat...

but i have to type it in the console everytime i play.. what to do against?...

thanks a lot for your answers
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Re: How to invent funstuffs for all the time?

Postby N00bi » 03.30.10

write in console the funstuff that you want and then check out whats the name of your q3.confik

then write in consolte /write (tab key) p3.confik (my confic is q3.noobi)

i hope you understand my bad english

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Re: How to invent funstuffs for all the time?

Postby dmmh » 03.30.10

actually the command is /writeconfig name_of_config.cfg
for example: /writeconfig autoexec.cfg
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Re: How to invent funstuffs for all the time?

Postby taach1st » 03.30.10

thanks.. how to find out the config?

is the config my registered name?
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Re: How to invent funstuffs for all the time?

Postby taach1st » 03.30.10

ach ja.....

ich bin deustsch also ich bin auch froh wenn da was auf deutsch steht...
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Re: How to invent funstuffs for all the time?

Postby Samtron » 03.30.10

Also, dann wollen wir mal. Damit dein Funstuff immer da ist (ohne dass du es jedes mal neu eingeben musst) muss das in deiner config-Datei stehen. Diese config-Datei hat so wirklich alle deine persönlichen Einstellungen für UrT (Grafik-Details, Steuerung, Funstuff, Radio-Binds, ...)

1. Gehe in den Ordner von UrT, auf Windows zum Beispiel C:ProgrammeUrbanTerror
2. Gehe in den Unterordner q3ut4, also dann C:ProgrammeUrbanTerrorq3ut4
3. Suche die Datei autoexec.cfg und öffne sie mit einem Text-Editor (Editor, Scite...)
4. Schreib hinter die letzte Zeile einfach dein Funstuff Kram, hier meins als Beispiel:
Code: Select all
seta funblue "patch,ninja"
seta funred "patch,ninja"

Mit der cfg-Datei kann man übrigens ne Menge anstellen, mehr als im Menü im Spiel... wenn du Zeit hast, setz dich mal damit auseinander: :)
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Re: How to invent funstuffs for all the time?

Postby AimMe » 03.30.10

OK, maybe better like this. Is your q3config locked (read-only)? If it is make it r/w, open it and insert lines:
Code: Select all
seta funblue "<name of funstuf>"
seta funred "<name of funstuf>"

If it isn't read only, just insert lines and save.

If you have some other config other that q3config then insert lines in one you use when you play.
On linux it is in "~/.q3a/q3ut4/" file named "q3congif.cfg" where ~ is your home folder. In windows it is probably somewhere in c:documets and settings<your name>, search file called q3config.cfg with hidden enabled.

EDIT: somebody was faster.
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Re: How to invent funstuffs for all the time?

Postby Samtron » 03.30.10

Sry AimMe :)
But yeah, it should be writable.
Die cfg-Datei sollte in jedem Fall nicht schreibgeschützt sein, aber das wirst du schon merken.
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Re: How to invent funstuffs for all the time?

Postby AimMe » 03.30.10

Samtron wrote:Sry AimMe :)
But yeah, it should be writable.
Die cfg-Datei sollte in jedem Fall nicht schreibgeschützt sein, aber das wirst du schon merken.

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Re: How to invent funstuffs for all the time?

Postby ChineseDemocracy » 03.31.10

I would help you but I can't stop looking at your avator.
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