Autokick problems

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Autokick problems

Postby BoomHeadshot » 11.01.09

1) I seen 10 people being auto kicked in 10 minutes today, all because the map was small.
Auto kick really is annoying

2) I was muted (for saying that auto kick is awesome), I did !fa !fa to forgive a dude on my team that TK me by mistake, then I got kicked for spam heh

So anyway,
I think auto kick is not good in current form,
so we should re-think it:

Why do we need auto kick?
1) To kick intentional TKs?
2) To kick really really bad players?
When auto kick is NOT needed:
3) it should NOT kick for small mistakes
4) it should NOT kick if it is other guy fault.

Current AutoKick does 1 and 2, but fails at 3 and 4, if teammate jumps between you and enemy dueling on 5 meter distance, then he can get killed, and YOU can be kicked.
Nice example of that is enemy that rushed your spawn points :D

Also, when you throw nade carefully, but other teammate was not looking where he is going and he run on it.
If it was 2 guys, then you are kicked, even if you have awesome score.
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Re: Autokick problems

Postby BoomHeadshot » 11.01.09

So how to improve AK?

Just look at player balance (kills-deaths).

If balance is negative, and he does TK, then kick.
If balance is really very negative (like -15, for example 2 kills and 17 deaths) then kick for that.
If balance is positive, then make the TK threshold (400?) higher, so player stays even if some accidents happen.

Then, not only good players will be not auto kicked by mistakes, also terrible players that de-balance game will be asked to train elsewhere to not shoot their selves in foot.
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Re: Autokick problems

Postby BoomHeadshot » 11.01.09

Another example.

We are playing on Casa, around 5 peoples are kicked in 5 minutes.

Anyway, I am leading (1st or 2nd place), I help others, I !fa my teammates etc.

And then some guy bunny hops in front when I am shooting enemy standing in the gate/tunel on fountain area...
and I am kicked.

Thanks autokick.
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Re: Autokick problems

Postby wurst » 11.01.09

hm ye, its a big server.
anyways. please be careful.
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Re: Autokick problems

Postby BoomHeadshot » 11.01.09

wurst wrote:hm ye, its a big server.
anyways. please be careful.

Can it be made, so that the not careful players are kicked?

Like, the newbies jumping in middle of gunfight?
Another problem is that they do not know how to use !fa usually.
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Re: Autokick problems

Postby dmmh » 11.01.09

dude, it's easy:

server can not distinguish between 1+2 or 3+4

if newbies jump infront of your gun, stop firing.
If you do not stop firing soon enough and teamkill someone, SAY SORRY! and ask him (or her) to forgive you!
Furthermore: say sorry!

most ppl dont say sorry. Don't expect me to forgive you if you teamkill me and say don't sorry, except when I know it's my own fault. Everybody makes mistakes, I do as well, honestly. I say sorry. Just because it's polite. Not because I am an admin and it's hard for me to get kicked because of teamills, just because it's the right thing to do.

ow yeah: I muted you because on the server we come for one thing: to play.
Discussions about how admins administer or how crappy the server is or is not do NOT have place there. Getting muted is for your own benefit (to save your ass from a ban) and when you are being muted, you are basically very very lucky. Do not discuss policy online; that's what these forums are for.
I do not go online to have the same discussion with someone who just joins the dswp server for the first time over and over again.
We have rules and they are simple.
If you do not like them, please be our guest and leave. It's a free world, you are free to leave. If you start whining, we will make you, it's that simple.
It just costs to much energy to constantly catch all the cheaters, enforce the server rules AND discuss with zillions of people about the server or it's policy. The first 2 are part of our jobs as admins, the last one definately is not

edits: some spelling mistakes and further clarification
Last edited by dmmh on 11.01.09, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Autokick problems

Postby SKracht » 11.01.09

Well to not open another thread on this everlasting topic, and because this is just active discussion:

Is it possible that b3 ignores telefragging teammates pls?

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Re: Autokick problems

Postby SteveMcqueen » 11.01.09

textbook example of an answer.... nice! :>

Re: Autokick problems

Postby dmmh » 11.01.09

SteveMcqueen wrote:textbook example of an answer.... nice! :>

thanks :D
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Re: Autokick problems

Postby BoomHeadshot » 11.01.09

Sure but why not tweak this auto kick at least?

Like ignore telefrag,
and change the threshold a bit depending on how good/bad the player is (balance? ratio?) in current game.
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