Ich hab das gefühl irgendwas ist mit Elementtree.
- Code: Select all
091025 02:49:57 BOT www.BigBrotherBot.com (b3) v1.2.0b [nt] (Daniel)
091025 02:49:57 BOT Python: 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
091025 02:49:57 BOT Starting Iourt41Parser server for
091025 02:49:57 BOT --------------------------------------------
091025 02:49:57 BOT Attempting to connect to database mysql://server:******@localhost/b3_ctf...
091025 02:49:57 BOT Connected to database
091025 02:49:57 BOT Game log E:ServerGameserver[URT]CTFq3ut4games.log
091025 02:49:57 BOT Starting bot reading file E:ServerGameserver[URT]CTFq3ut4games.log
091025 02:49:57 BOT Loading Plugin #1 censor [E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_censor.xml]
091025 02:49:57 BOT CensorPlugin: Loading config E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_censor.xml for CensorPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: CensorPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: CensorPlugin
091025 02:49:57 BOT Plugin censor (2.1.0 - ThorN) loaded
091025 02:49:57 BOT Loading Plugin #2 spamcontrol [E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_spamcontrol.xml]
091025 02:49:57 BOT SpamcontrolPlugin: Loading config E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_spamcontrol.xml for SpamcontrolPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: SpamcontrolPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: SpamcontrolPlugin
091025 02:49:57 BOT Plugin spamcontrol (1.1.2 - ThorN) loaded
091025 02:49:57 BOT Loading Plugin #3 admin [E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_admin.xml]
091025 02:49:57 BOT AdminPlugin: Loading config E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_admin.xml for AdminPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: AdminPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: AdminPlugin
091025 02:49:57 BOT Plugin admin (1.4.3 - ThorN) loaded
091025 02:49:57 BOT Loading Plugin #4 tk [E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_tk.xml]
091025 02:49:57 BOT TkPlugin: Loading config E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_tk.xml for TkPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG TkPlugin: tk max level is 40
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG TkPlugin: Send messages privately ? True
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: TkPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: TkPlugin
091025 02:49:57 BOT Plugin tk (1.2.2 - ThorN) loaded
091025 02:49:57 BOT Loading Plugin #5 stats [E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_stats.xml]
091025 02:49:57 BOT StatsPlugin: Loading config E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_stats.xml for StatsPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG AdminPlugin: Command "mapstats (mstats)" registered with cmd_mapstats for level (1, 100)
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG AdminPlugin: Command "testscore (ts)" registered with cmd_testscore for level (1, 100)
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG AdminPlugin: Command "topstats (tstats)" registered with cmd_topstats for level (9, 100)
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: StatsPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: StatsPlugin
091025 02:49:57 BOT Plugin stats (1.2.3 - ThorN) loaded
091025 02:49:57 BOT Loading Plugin #6 pingwatch [E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_pingwatch.xml]
091025 02:49:57 BOT PingwatchPlugin: Loading config E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_pingwatch.xml for PingwatchPlugin
091025 02:49:57 VERBOSE Added crontab <bound method PingwatchPlugin.check of <b3.plugins.pingwatch.PingwatchPlugin instance at 0x02BDB148>> (45998480) - [0, 30]s -1m -1h -1d -1M -1DOW
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: PingwatchPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: PingwatchPlugin
091025 02:49:57 BOT Plugin pingwatch (1.1.4 - ThorN) loaded
091025 02:49:57 BOT Loading Plugin #7 adv [E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_adv.xml]
091025 02:49:57 BOT AdvPlugin: Loading config E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_adv.xml for AdvPlugin
091025 02:49:57 CRITICAL Error loading plugin: not well-formed (invalid token): line 10, column 25
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3parser.py", line 386, in loadPlugins
self._plugins[p] = getattr(pluginModule, '%sPlugin' % p.title())(self, conf)
File "E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3plugin.py", line 43, in __init__
File "E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3plugin.py", line 76, in loadConfig
self.config = b3.config.load(fileName)
File "E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3config.py", line 232, in load
if config.load(fileName):
File "E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3config.py", line 165, in load
File "E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3config.py", line 60, in readfp
self._xml = ElementTree.parse(fp)
File "C:Python25libsite-packageselementtreeElementTree.py", line 859, in parse
tree.parse(source, parser)
File "C:Python25libsite-packageselementtreeElementTree.py", line 583, in parse
File "C:Python25libsite-packageselementtreeElementTree.py", line 1242, in feed
self._parser.Parse(data, 0)
ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 10, column 25