Hi Wurst,
my name is Emanuele Bruno and I'm the ITALIA admin of 64 slots server (http://www.warriorteam.it I mean). I'm very glad to know you because I have seen your server with admiration, so it is a big honour to meet you. Some weeks ago you tryed to contact to me, but I was in holiday, so excuse me if I'm writing to you only now. You asked me if I would help you to ''fix'' or ''enhance'' urban terror server CODE: my answer is ''Yes!''...
I'm still "working" for the following urban terror server bugs:
-A reliable command was cycled out : trying to fix the CODE (I'm not a programmer even if I have a little knowledge about it; I can still compile the code under Debian OS and try to cut and past some portions of code taken from forum discussions...)
-ERROR: G_Spawn: no free entities ----- Server Shutdown (Server crashed: G_Spawn: no free entities) ----- ; this error happens *ONLY* with ut4_suburbs map (TDM and FFA mode) and it seems that I have found a solution (but not still tested for lack of time) following this link: http://www.warriorteam.it/index.php?file=Forum&page=viewtopic&forum_id=12&thread_id=261
-TEAMKILL: when somebody teamkills until he is kicked, the next time that enter the game can teamkill without limit (he isn't kicked anymore from the server); the only solution at this time is using the bigbrother bot or set to 0 the teamkill server var.
I'm working to these three bugs... I hope that we can help each other, so if you have any question please feel to write to me at emanuelebruno [et] gmail [dot] com
Emanuele Bruno.