somebody calling names/my name?
i get the idea that you have to think about what happens exactly. it sucks that i cannot look at it myself.... sva your answer is located below
at first some pictures: lagometer: and much general stuff...
as long as stuff is blue and hanging below the line it is fine, you interpolate, your client calculates the stuff happening between two snapshots, the time window is small enough for it to be accurate. the smaller the triangles are, the lower is you latency.
when the graph shows yellow triangles above the line, you client extrapolates, it makes wild guesses what COULD happen, as it does not get enough snapshots to calculate accurately what is happening. moving on a "rubber-band" is likely to occur, i.e. you move forward, and get moved back again = you warp. that is because your client made a wrong guess that is proven false by the next received snapshot, and so you are moved back to were you were according to the snapshot.
the following isnt something i recalculated, but it illustrates stuff nicely:
"Remember, the only thing that is "really" happening in-game is what the server is calculating. If the server cannot get this information to the client, the client will render a guess about what is going on. Since players move at about 10 feet per second in the game, one missed snapshot can make a difference of 6 inches in location."
in general the upper line shows your 'income', what you get from the server.
snaps = amount of snapshots from the server. 1s = 1000ms, you get 20 snaps/second. so every 50ms you receive a snapshot. this is where the blue triangles come from.
upper graph only shows how much information is left before your client starts to extrapolate. (and so upper lagometer turns yellow....)
with ut_timenudge you can increase the time freely from 50ms to 100ms max by setting an ut_timenudge value between 0 and 50 that gets added up to the base 50ms. ut_tn is by its design adaptive and can work great. but it also can be buggy as fuck and produce the most weird errors... go try it yourself.
if it fixes stuff and you have not corresponding red/yellow lines in the lower graph causing yellow spikes in the upper graph, then it is most likely the case you have local lag and not lag because of your connection. (LOWER GRAPHIC SETTINGS, helped more than one person yet...)
also if the lower graph has "holes", i.e. no information being processed shown, green suddenly stops and reappears, then your machine is the reason for the lags through gfx stuff somehow.
lower lagometer:green = all is fine
yellow = delayed/late packets
red = packetloss
one pixel i height should be 20 or 25 ms or so...
there is a difference between 'income lag' (delayed packets/lost packets) and 'local lag' introduced by your machine somehow.
you can have local lag because of your comp being unable to process (no matter how good it is, even if it should be able, still lower your graphics... DONT DISCUSS, TRY FIRST!), even when your connection is perfectly fine.
ut_timenudge increases your local lag, but does not fuck your ping directly. it just makes your machine wait longer for snaps from the server to avoid the yellow stuff (= wild rendering guesses) on the upper area.
i hope you guys get the idea how all is related, i cant produce a better explanation out of the box within 5 minutes...