Teamdamage bans

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Re: Teamdamage bans

Postby AimMe » 07.01.09

SteveMcqueen wrote:
SvaRoX wrote:You are right when you talk about improving gameplay, but sometimes it's really not your fault... for example, havoc came several times on irc to ask me to unban him, and he told me that the main cause of the bans is lags or packet loss (ok I know you know a lot about that, I don't know if you TK a more when you got packetloss...)
Oh wait, I just found the ultimate solution... set g_friendlyFire "0" o/ ;)

packetloss? dont over-use nades then... with some watching out you should not teamkill at all with the other weapons.
you are more likely to teamkill, but it is not sure that you will just because your conn sux. yeah i know damn much how it feels like. and if your conn is too bad, just get it that you should not play then, for the sake of your mates. or just stick to healing them then, at least that is what i do then.

ff 0 is not an option... else you would have 32 conan-the-barbarians on the server in no time.
ff REALLY is needed to keep the server (more specifically the players using it) on a higher level.

else it would just be another úrt tdm server, and we all wanna be special, dont we? ;)

also this could help:
change the bot, so that spamming mutes you after 3 or 4 alerts (but alerting dont adds to warnings for tempban)
but just for spam, because the bot cannot tell the difference between someone swearing and someone insulting others...

It's not only with HE or HK that you can do tk. Imagine that you are sniping with sr, you are moving that somebody doesn't hit you, and you have zoom and aiming at target. Now you finally aim enemy, and you shoot. In that moment you press button, you teammate runs in front of you and you hit him instead of target. Is it your fault then? I wouldn't say so.

And one other situation, can be quite painful. You are on one side of room, and your ally on other. Now some enemy runs in front of you two. You can leave him to kill you, so you don't hit teammate, or you can shoot and in 90% of cases you'll kill mate, but not enemy. It is even worse when enemy has knife.

There are more situations when you tk, but it's not your fault.

And svarox did quite good job reading that code :) If you ask me, i would leave things as they are now.
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Re: Teamdamage bans

Postby SteveMcqueen » 07.01.09

the sniper scenario is exaggerated, it does not happen that often. and if it does, change position? turnpike is not just the pillars, there are other choke points to be watched after, too.........................

if you, the enemy and your mate stand in one line, you have simply fucked up. you should try to avoid these situations at all times. and yes, you got to anticipate the way your mate will most likely take.
if standing-in-line happens despite me trying to avoid it, i'll try to get away with (wall)jumping until i can shoot the enemy again without endangering my mate.
if i die it is just the result for me standing in the wrong place...

team kills diminuish your teams score, and if you are too bad for your team, you get a 2 minute timeout. as simple as that.
so leaving things as they are right now just supports my point of view.
although adding a different kind of spam protection (no warning but simly being muted) is a way to go.


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