B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby HumppaLakki » 05.02.11

cool thing.

Moonmode seems to be work with lvl 60

And still missing the !translast command. I just see how usefull it was till its gone :D
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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby wurst » 05.02.11

ye translate plugin didnt wanna start, i check that later...

u know extreme programming?
i allways thought that what we do is *basteln*
These days theres a nice word for everything.
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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby SteveMcqueen » 05.06.11

underlying goal of XP is to improve existing collaboration between customer and developers.
customer != user, customer means the person to pay for the contract.
unneeded here, since you always know what you think yourself.

i bet most practices are not used for this here at all. be it because they are not needed or because this here is for fun and not for profit.

standard waterfall may work for machine engineering or construction. but it sucks for software projects because it is too limiting. which is the reason the manifest / XP was created in the first place, since prototyping or the spiral modell still were also not "pure" enough as procedure models.

bottom line here is, even though some requirements of the manifest are met:
brownfieldbastelei lacking real rules, by some single individuals that are each customer and developer united in a single person could be considered "agile" in a wider sense, but not XP.

Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby wurst » 05.06.11

ure right, but its anyways what we do somehow.
however, b3/phpbb and many others force us in some kinda structure.

i think thats the reason why we never ran into any hard "one way sackgasse"
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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby SteveMcqueen » 05.06.11

tut mir leid, dass ich das aufgrund von pedanterei einfach nicht unkommentiert stehen lassen konnte...

Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby wurst » 05.07.11

ich dachte mir der begriff wäre die erwähnung wert :)
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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby wurst » 05.08.11

another extreme thing.
b3 seem to mistake some players for others in this case:

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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby JRandomNoob » 05.15.11

Few things:

!nextmap is still not available for peons — I’m quite sure it’s not intentional.

!change — it occasionally switches only one of the players, and yes, I double-checked the names, everything’s OK on the spelling side. Um, and some other commands sometimes fail to work (!id, !kick) so I have to repeat. Anybody else has this happened to them?

And finally, autodoc shows that both !admin and !annule have !a as their shortcut. What gives?

EDIT: I was just looking at today’s chatlog and found that
3567664 14.05.2011 21:29:53 TEAM FluffyTheTerrible !k 15 muhaha
I had pressed Y instead of T accidentally:-P That doesn’t explain the !change problem, though.
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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby Varus » 06.30.11

( :) BITTE :) ) könnte man vielleicht !nextmap wieder freischalten? Wenn man ein vote startet, ist es gut die nächste zu wissen... sonst handelt man im dunklen.

Nach dem voten der nicht Standardmaps wird die map nicht geladen. Maps z.B: die ut4_cemetery666 (ist optimal für 5-15 Spieler), ut4_burbs_beta (ca. 10 Sp. ut4_burbs_day.pk3 und ut4_burbs_night währen auch cool), ut4_railed.pk3 (ab 10 Spieler super), ut4_nyubirips-0-0-1-7, train_gamma3 ...

Am meisten ist es bei bis 5 Spieler bemerkbar: es fehlen maps wie: ut_sumo, oder ut4_baeza

:mrgreen: Würde mich sehr freuen :mrgreen:

--- --- --- --- --- ---

(:) PLEASE:)) maybe you could unlock nextmap again? When one starts a vote, it's good to know the next ... otherwise you are in the dark.

After the vote non-standard maps, the map is not loaded. Maps such as: the ut4_cemetery666 (is optimal for 5-15 players), ut4_burbs_beta (approximately 10 and Sp ut4_burbs_day.pk3 ut4_burbs_night During cool too), ut4_railed.pk3 (super 10 players), ut4_nyubirips-0-0-1-7, train_gamma3 ...

It is most noticeable when up to 5 players: it lacks maps like: ut_sumo or ut4_baeza

Would be very happy
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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby wurst » 06.30.11

here u see them all, can u give me a list?

!nextmapand else informational stuff is meant for every player, sure.
will correct that later...
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